Seven - The News

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~ Hermione Granger ~

The rest of the day goes by uneventfully. Draco is by my side in all of the classes that we have together. That's probably the reason Ron didn't try and apologize all day. Every time he even looked in my direction Draco glared daggers at him.

"Class dismissed" Slughorn says, dismissing my first Potions class of the year.

I start to gather my things when I hear someone walk up to me. I turn my head and scowl. It's Ron. And he's not with Harry and Ginny. They probably left the classroom already. I wonder where he got the courage to approach me when Draco is literately standing beside me.

"What do you want Ronald?" I snap, not wanting to deal with him.

"Mione I'm so so sorry for what I said" Ron apologizes, his eyes wide and grief written all over his face.

Draco scoffs but I ignore him. This conversation is between Ron and I, not the three of us.

"If you were sorry you wouldn't have said it" I say, glaring at the red head.

I grab my things and leave the Potions classroom, Draco following close behind me. Ron is following a few feet behind us. I hear someone say something to him in which he doesn't reply.

"So that's is huh? You're just gonna go shag Malfoy instead of hanging out with your friend!" Ron yells from behind us.

"At least she would shag me" Draco remarks.

I look up at him with eyes wide and my mouth agape. Why would he say that? Now there are going to be rumors going around that we're shagging. I narrow my eyes at Draco before walking away from him, ignoring how much it hurt.



I look up from my position on the couch to see Draco panting in the doorway of our dormitory. I put my book down and cross my arms in front of my chest. It's been at least an hour since classes ended for the day. Where has he been?

"What?" I ask him, arching a brow.

He walks over to me and sits down beside me on the couch. I scoot over a little bit but he moves over with me. What in the name of Merlin is up with him?

"I-I need to tell you something" Draco stutters, looking down at the floor.

"Go on" I say, craning my neck to look at his face.

" you know what Veela's are right?" Draco asks, looking up from the ground to look me in the eyes.

Fleur's part Veela so I do know what they are. Why is he asking that?

"Yes I do, why?" I ask, arching a brow at him.

"Because...well...I'm Half-Veela and you are my mate" Draco says competely straight faced.

"What? You've got to be joking?" I ask, nervously laughing.

If I am Draco's mate that means we have to mate or he'll die of heartbreak. No wonder why he was being protective over me all day.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" He asks flatly.

I shake my head no.

"Okay, well. I get it if you don't want to be with me but if you don't I will die next July" Draco says sadly.

"I'm willing to give you a chance" I say softly, resting a hand on his forearm.

His face instantly lights up. Whether from the physical contact, what I said, or both I have no idea.

"Thank you Hermione"

"Don't worry about it Draco"

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