Eight - The Dungeons

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~ Draco Malfoy ~

A few days pass uneventfully and, thank Merlin, today is Friday. Hermione and I haven't really decided on how to continue our relationship but that's fine for now. I do have until July until we have to mate so it's not like we're in a hurry.

Following behind Blaise and Pansy I softly sigh to myself. It's only been ten minutes since class was dismissed and I miss her already. Hermione is hanging out with Potter, Weasel, and Weaselette in Gryffindor Tower for the night so I decided to hang out with my friends tonight. Probably because I've been slightly ignoring them to spend more time with Hermione.

Blaise turns his head to look at me with an arched brow.

"What?" I ask him.

"What was that sigh for?" He asks.

He falls back a little so we're walking in step with one and other. Pansy follows in her boyfriends steps, literately, like always.

"I...uh...I'll tell you guys later" I reply.

Both Pansy and Blaise roll their eyes. I groan. I guess that I will have to tell them about the whole Veela and Hermione being my mate thing.


"What did you have to tell us?" Pansy asks.

Pansy, Blaise, and I are sitting around the fire place in the Slytherin Common Room. A few other students are milling around the Common Room but they aren't standing in earshot of us.

"It's very very important so please don't tell anybody else" I say, looking between Pansy and Blaise.

They both nod their heads, not saying a word.

"I'm...uh..Half-Veela and...Hermione Granger is my soulmate" I say only loud enough for the two of them to hear.

Both of their eyes widen and their mouths open slightly. It could be humorous, seeing as how my whole life I've been raised to hate half-breeds and it turns out I am one.

"Holy shit" Blaise mumbles.

"No wonder why you've been staring at her more then usual" Pansy says with a small nod of her head.

Before I found out that I was a Veela and that Hermione was my mate I did have a crush on her. I've liked her since the moment I set eyes on her. Maybe it was the Veela part of me telling me she was my mate but I always thought her then and I still always think about her. I used to always steal looks at Gryffindor table during meals just so I could see her. Sound creepy, I know, but I have always had a mega crush on her and that made it okay on my mind to stare at her.

"Yeah. And I have until July to be mated with her or I die" I whisper.

Both of their eyes go as wide as saucers for a moment.

"So if you don't fuck Granger then you die?" Blaise sums up, arching a brow at me.

"Basically" I reply with a shrug.

"Damn. Good luck mate" Blaise says with a light hearted chuckle.

"Thanks" I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes at the Italian wizard.

"Well then...if you ever need to talk to anyone besides Granger we're here for you" Pansy says with a friendly smile.

"Thanks Pans, I really appreciate it" I reply, returning her smile with one of my own.

And I really really do appreciate it.

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