Entry 4

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Pic is Oliver Sykes, the guy whose name I stole for the story. He is not a character though.. well you'll see once you read the chapter :P

Monday, April 13, 2014

Dear Soon-to-be-named Journal,

It's Gerard again. Well, obviously.

I've come up with some possible names for you:






-Billie Joe










I'm not sure which one though.

This will be a hard decision. I'll narrow it down a bit.


Well, Jack sounds too much like Jack and the beanstalk.

Alex is meh. I'm not sure if I want a unisex name for you.

Rian is just spelled weird.

Jake is.. okay I guess.

I don't know where Billie Joe came from.

Brendon is just.. nah, ur not a Brendon.

Ryan is cute. I like Ryan.

James is too old sounding. I think you're more hip than that.

Oliver is nice. It has a nice ring to it.

Andrew is again, too formal sounding.

Kellin is too weird.

Victor.. why did I even put that on the list?

And Bert... too... Sesame Street...

So that leaves Jake, Ryan, and Oliver.

I think I'm gonna go with.. Oliver.

I like Oliver.

It's cute.

Oli for short, maybe?

I hope you like the name.

Well, anyways school sucked today. It REALLY sucked.

Word travels fast at Catholic school! Isn't it like against a commandment to gossip or something? I wouldn't know. I'm not very religious.

EVERYONE knows. And when I say everyone. I mean EVERYONE.

Even random freshman people.

People are whispering in the halls right in front of me, and avoiding me like the plague... Even the freshmen!

Why did I let my mouth slip? WHYYY???!!!!

But really, why should people who aren't even in my class be angry?

I was courageous. I'm like a martyr, without the dying part.

I think my classmates should be happy. Mr. Husk never gives much homework, so the essay is like good homework points! He doesn't even care about grammar either. He's so stupid...

The only reason he's even allowed to teach is because he is a good coach and his uncle is one of the deans.

Isn't that wonderful?

But luckily, my American History teacher was not there today! I got to go a whole period without Mr. Husk! Yay!

The sub was cool too. She didn't say much.

We had mass today too. It was one of those Stations of the Cross masses. There was a really good singer. But the Stations themselves were some sort of weird, wordless, miming, sort of interpretive thing. It was weird.

I hope it'll be better next year.

Oh! And I almost forgot to tell you. I saw Adonis in the hallway today on my way to fifth period. He didn't see me though, of course. Plus, he's probably straight.

It's like that thing where once you see someone once you suddenly see them again and again.

I had never noticed him before, probably because I'm usually trying to run to my next class as quickly as possible to avoid people.

I hope I see him again tomorrow...

Well, that's all I have to say today Oli (loving the new name).




(A/N: Sorry this is a day late guys! I've been busy :/ If you've been reading my constant messages, you would have seen the story I posted about what happened in my history class. I've been getting through it though. I can handle a little hate :P But it's been annoying. I've also had a lot of homework >.<. So updates this week may be a little weird. )

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