Entry 21

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The pic is Gerard. The video is a song I listened to while writing this chapter.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Dear Oliver,

Happy May Day (even though I don't know what you're supposed to do on May Day...)! But whatever. It's not like anyone actually celebrates it, right?

I had a random thought. I bet you're wondering why I'm not talking about the SATs and stuff. Well that's because I don't really want to talk about tests in my diary/journal/book/thing. Plus, I'm sure that would bore you.

It bores me...

So remember how I was all excited yesterday?

I shouldn't have been.

Mom has a habit of embarrassing me in front of people. Then she wonders why I have no friends.

Like, what the fuck?

So basically afterschool, Ray took a ride with Mikey and I, and they talked together mostly although Ray did make an effort to keep me in the conversation which I did appreciate. Ray's a nice guy.

We were on our way home so that we could work on our prayer service video clip, and our idea was that we were going to record us each talk about our mothers and share a favorite memory of something she did for us or something we did together. My teacher's a sucker for mother-related things. He's like obsessed with the Virgin Mary. It's almost scary...

But I still like him.

About ten minutes after we got there Mom came home, but she wasn't really paying attention to us so she didn't see Ray. Mikey ran to his bedroom and locked himself up in there so he could skype Anna or whatever her name is.

Then about five minutes later, Bob showed up with a camera and a tripod (which was extremely nice of him since I was just planning on using my phone and stacking some books).

Mom saw him come.

"Who is he?" she asked loudly (and in front of everyone).

"A friend from school."

"You didn't tell me a friend from school was coming over," she said sternly.

Ray and Bob kind of snickered. Yeah, I'm the loser whose mom has to approve everything. It's weird that she doesn't act that way with Mikey though...

But they composed themselves quickly enough that Mom didn't see them.

"Well I'll tell you next time I invite friends over," I reasoned with her.

"Since when do you have friends?" she asked, rather rudely I might add.

"Thanks mom," I said exasperated.

She looked so confused. I knew that she either didn't understand my sarcasm, or she was just confused that I had friends over.

"Well, we have a project to work on now, so can we get to it?" I said, trying to shoo her out discreetly.

"Oh, now I get it. They're just here for the project. Well, carry on I guess. And please let me know next time you invite people to my house."

"Will do," I responded, my cheeks turning a fugly shade of pink.

Embarrassment Central.

Ray and Bob teased me for a couple minutes about it, then realizing that we had a project to do, they stopped. We put a chair in front of a white wall and set up the camera in front of it, and decided that for our video we would each take a turn sitting on the chair and tell our story. We made no script, because we wanted our video to seem more real, and not scripted.

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