Entry 20

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Pic is of Ray.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Dear Oli,

I'm currently in detention. Wanna know why?

Because of Frank.

The hot little fucker just had to cut class and stand near my classroom.

Let me start at the beginnning.

It went a bit like this:

I was in my class minding my own shit and half-paying attention to the teacher.

And then I get bored and looked out the window on the door and guess who I see? Frank.

He was just standing there against a wall tapping at his phone with earbuds in his ears, probably blasting music. I must've been staring at him blankly before he looked up, and seeing me through the window, he smirked at me, making his eyes crinkle adorabley. And that smirk.. so sexy! I can't even. He smirked at me. At me! I could have just died and gone to heaven right there and then.

I kept looking at him dumbly as he lowered his head back to his phone and I could hear a voice yell "Mr. Way! Mr. Way! Gerard!" I realized it was the teacher's voice.

I turned away from the window and looked at my teacher who was fuming. Apparently he had been calling me and I was too stuck in Frankland to notice.


"What happened in June of 1918?" the fugly Mr. Husk asked me.

"I dunno," I replied. I wasn't paying attention, obviously. Why would he ask me such a stupid question?

"Detention!" he yelled, then he went back to "teaching".

I had never gotten a detention before so that was surprising. I'm not a total delinquent, ya know. It's just.. Frank was out there. I couldn't help myself.

I'm not a particularly bad student either. I just don't study enough, and do all my homework in homeroom. But I only have one B, and it's in Husk's class. And that's just 'cause he hates my guts.

But if I hated a student, I wouldn't give them detention, because that just means that you have to stay after school with them and be around them longer! Why would someone want that?!

Enough about that fugly asshole for now.

In theology, Ray and I chose 'Mothers' as our prayer service theme since Mother's Day is coming up soon. We agreed to meet up at my house tomorrow after school.

I can't wait!

Frank is coming to my house! With Ray and that other guy whose name I can't be bothered to remember!


Okay, I think I'm done fanboying (for now at least).

But seriously, he's coming to MY house!

Wait one moment Oli, I'm gonna stop writing now 'cause my detention is over. I'll finish this at home in a few. Okay?

Well anyways, I had detention in Mr. Husk's room and I just sat in my regular assigned seat (which unfortunately is the center desk in the front row right in front of his desk and podium so I always have perfect view of his face) for about 10 awkward minutes with him just staring at me doing nothing, before he became uncomfortable and started talking to me. But of course, it was about his wrestling team, so I wasn't very interested. After after 20 more minutes, he realized that he could be doing more interesting things than trying to attempt small talk with a teenaged boy. So he cut the detention short and told me to go home.

I was glad that I only had to serve 30 minutes. But it was still torture.

I had forgotten to tell Mikey about how I wouldn't be able to drive him home, but I didn't see him in his usual spot so I assumed that he had found a ride home.

Once I got home, I saw Mikey playing video games, so I knew I was right.

One thing I've noticed is that I haven't been locking you like I should. I'm breaking my own commandment! The shame.

I'll try to be better about it in the future.

Well that's all I gotta say.



P.S. OMG ADONIS IS COMING TO MY HOUSE!!!!! WOOT WOOT!!!! *Happy Dance* <33 YAY!!!!


(A/N: Okay, so this one ended up longer than 200 words too (practically 800 excluding the A/N >.< ). I couldn't help myself. And suddenly Frank is getting into the picture, so I can't reallt rush it like I planned. I do have a twist coming up soon though >:) hehe. I wanted to update yesterday, but it was my little sister's birthday yesterday, so I didn't have time. But now it's the weekend, so hopefully I'll be able to crank out a chapter or two. Oh! I also fixed the tag problem xDD




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