Entry 23

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Pic is Gerard with rainbow hair. Video is this chapter's inspiration song.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Dear Oli-bae,

So this morning I thought long and hard about what happened yesterday.

And I came to a conclusion.

Whether Frank knows about my sexuality and/or that I like him or not.. it doesn't matter, I thought.

Wanna know why?

'Cause I decided to come out of the closet. That way even if he did try to tell everyone, they would already know!

You may clap and yell 'bravo' to me now Oli. I know you're proud.

So I went into my parents' room at 8 in the morning and I shouted at the top of my lungs: "YOUR ELDEST SON IS A HOMOSEXUAL!"

It woke them up, but I didn't get the reaction I was expecting.

I had two scenarios in my head:

Scenario 1:

Mom: Oh of course it's okay that you're gay, we love you just the way you are.

Dad: Just be yourself son.

Me: :D


Scenario 2:



Me: D:


What I wasn't anticipating was what actually happened.

Dad got up groggily and was like, "You woke us up to tell us that?"

"We already knew you dumbshit," Mom added.

Then Mikey poked his head into the door and said "You're gayer than a fucking rainbow," and Mom chastised him for using the f-bomb even though she uses the word on a daily basis.


What annoyed me though, was that Mikey was eavesdropping! That fucker! That's just not a cool thing to do. What if I had something really personal to tell them?!

Grrrr... Mikey...

I ended up just standing there for a bit with my mouth open in surprise.

I couldn't believe they knew and didn't tell me they knew!

But at least they didn't kick me out of the house. That would have sucked. Especially since Frank and I aren't dating (yet), and I wouldn't have anyplace to go.

I sighed in relief in my head.

I get to keep my room, I thought with a smile.

"Now, who gave you permission to dye your hair the color of evil?"

I had forgotten about that. Shit.

"Hehe, nobody," I tried to say cutely.

But I don't think it worked since Mom glared at me and told me to ask her before I dye my hair in the future.

Jesus, overprotective much?

But at least the whole coming out thing's out of the way.

I feel so much better now.

And I'd just like to say thank you for being there for me Oli. You're so wonderful. You come with me everywhere. You let me write in you anywhere, anytime. And you're always there for me when I need to rant.

You're the best boyfriend ever :,)




(A/N: Thanks again Alesana! Today my inspiration song was Seduction by Alesana. They are like totally great to listen to when writing.

I'm so happy we're in May now. 'Cause it's July, and I was feeling really stressed when the story was still in April. >.<


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