Entry 19

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Pic is of Gerard's commandments.

Dear Readers,

So you may or may not have noticed that I put like all of my stories on hold. I did this because I need to catch up on this one, and get to finishing it (which may take a while because it is a day by day story and romance takes time). I expect this story to be done by the end of next school year, but I'm only putting my other stories on hold until the dates at the top of the chapter match the actual date. I really need to catch up, and if that means taking a whole week to write, then so be it. I just hope my parents leave me alone for long enough to write some chapters. So guys, expect the next few chapters to be shorter than usual. Probably around 200 words (or less) each. But it must be done, and it's not like anything interesting is happening yet. He hasn't even met Frank. So don't worry, I'm not shortening any Frerard time, just that awkward period before they meet :P. But still, I apologize for being so late with my updates. I've been really stressed with school and shit, and I'm currently in summer school 'cause I didn't have time in my schedule to take health class and I'm like spending 6 hours a day learning about abstinence and I want to cry. But I'm getting off topic. Basically, I just want you guys to know that I haven't given up on ANY of my stories (if I had I would have put #Discontinued instead of #OnHold) and they will get updated in time. But this is my most popular one at the moment, and my personal favorite, so I want to get it updated and on time. Thank you for reading this, I know it's long as fuck. I really didn't mean to write this much, but I'm in health class and there's not much better to do :P But it's kind of sad that this author's note is longer than the actual chapter >.< Well I'm gonna stop wasting your time, and let you read the story.



Now onto the chapter...


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Dear Oliver,

I just realized that I stopped making commandments. But commandments are very important you know. I'll list them all here so I can flip back to them.

Gerard Way's Commandments

1) Thou shalt not get high

2) Thou shalt lock thy diary so you don't end up like that girl in that Disney movie.

3) Thou shalt stalk hot guys in your yearbook

4) Thou shalt not remove the fucking bass from a rock song

5) Thou shalt ask people about the whereabouts of hot guys (don't be too obvious)

Yeah, that last one is new. But I thought it would be relevant since that's exactly what I did today.

So today my theology teacher made us get into groups of two for a project. But he didn't pick the partners for us. So I did what any socially awkward teenager would do: I froze.

Everyone else got into their groups in seconds, and the only two people left were Ray and me.

So naturally, we had to group up.

Our project is to put together a prayer service. We just kind of stood awkwardly on opposite sides of the room staring at each other. Ray came over to me though and sat down on the desk by mine. There was an awkward minute before he finally spoke up.

"I'm Ray," he said as he reached out his hand for a handshake. I knew his name though, because he's friends with Frank, so I had forced myself to remember it, just in case he's like Frank's best man at our wedding.

I took his hand and shook it while replying "Gerard."

He smiled at himself quickly like he knew something I don't know.

It was pretty weird.

But as quickly as the smirk spread across his face, it disappeared and was replaced with what I call the 'school face.' You know, that boring, indifferent face you make when you're at school.

The teacher gave us the whole period to work on it, and we used the period to narrow down themes for our service. We were pretty productive. A lot more so than the other groups who were gossiping about the parties they attended and people they fucked and shit they bought at the mall over the break.

Ray said that he wanted to finish the project as soon as possible so that we could use the last few days as practice days. I was okay with that. Tomorrow we will choose our theme from the ones we researched then we'll start putting the project together. It's gonna be great.

One thing we want to do is make a video to go with our project, to get some extra points. I suggested we find some of our friends and film it together at one of our houses.

Our conversation went a bit like this:

"I could get my brother to help us out on the video," I said.

"Who's your brother?"


"He's your brother?"

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know he's a fucking social butterfly, and all, but we do look alike, I thought.


"Oh. Well I bet I could get my friends Frank and Bob to help out..."

That statement got the wheels in my head turning.

"We could meet at my house," I proposed. "Where do you live?"


"Okay, that's not too far. How about Frank?"

I really wanted to know where he lives.


That city is right on the border of my town. Perfect.

"How about Bob?" I asked just so that it wouldn't seem like I was just interested in Frank.

"Weston. We all hang out there a lot."


"We can plan this all out tomorrow," he said.

"Sounds like a plan."

I gave him my address and he typed it onto his phone.

The rest of the day was shit. I don't really need to get into it.

Just school. Nothing interesting.

I drove Mikey home, and now I'm in mybed writing about my newest finding.

Maybe I'll start hanging out in Sunrise a bit more.




(A/N: Yeah, so I had a bit of an authors note at the top of the chapter and it's VERY IMPORTANT. So if you didn't read it, please do so. This chapter is a bit longer than the future ones will be, but there was a long wait, and I felt bad. I hope you enjoyed it.

Comment your favorite MCR song :)

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