Entry 28

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Pic of Ray and Gerard. Video is this chapter's inspiration song, Mastas of Ravenkroft.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Dear Oli,

I just had a random thought:

You know how they say that we see ourselves 5% more good-looking than we actually are?

I think parents see their kids as 20% more good-looking.

Even the fugliest child has a parent who thinks they're the reincarnation of Jesus or something.

It's weird how our mind works.

Today I wasn't hungry at lunch-time so I just bought some lemon-infused plantain chips at the vending machine and took a walk around the school because it was hot as hell and the school is shady.

I didn't know what to tell Frank if I saw him and unfortunately I saw him a lot after lunch.

When I caught a glance of him in the hallway, I hid behind some tall dude.

When he skipped class and walked by my french class I ducked down.

When I saw him in the bathroom in between classes I ran to the other side of the school to use a different restroom.

Avoiding him has become a problem.


Because he's fucking EVERYWHERE.

On a happier note, Ray and I presented our Mother's day service today. For our activity we prayed for the mothers and wrote cards. Our presentation went perfectly. Without any problems.

Mr. Johnson loved us.

He uploaded our grade to blackboard the second school ended...



Ray and I fist-bumped and everything.

It was great seeing all our work come together like that. I'd like to see the rest of our classmates do that well... hehe.

Ray didn't come over today though because he had to go clean his room. Mikey seemed kind of bummed about it on the way home.

Maybe Rikey is a thing.

Well, one can only hope.

Bye Oli <3




(A/N: Hey Guys :D The balloon reveal is in the next chapter. I know you've been waiting to find out who got it for Gee :3

Sorry this chapter's so short ;_;

The inspiration song is Mastas of Ravenkroft by MCR.

Warped is tomorrow. I'm so freaking excited!

Thanks for reading and commenting and voting. You guys always make me laugh and smile <3

So thank you guys for that <3

And the reads... I never expected this many.

Thank you for all your support!

Love ya ^-^)


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