Entry 31

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Just to warn you guys, this chapter is shit. I'm planning on going back from Entry 1 to fix any consistencies and help the plot develop more clearly. So it may be a while before the next entry comes in.

Don't judge me too harshly because of the shittiness of this chapter :P

At least it's done now.


Ellie :3

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Dear Oli,

It just occurred to me that I totally forgot about the fact that I was grounded. I think my parents forgot too. Because the day Frank came over was the day before the grounding was set to end. I'm glad they forgot because I probably would have gotten in trouble for having people over, even though it was for a project... That's my parents for ya.

Remember how I told you that I was texting Bob yesterday?

Well I texted him again today, and this is what was said:

 Bob: I think Ray's ignoring me

 Me: Why?

 Bob: Cuz he's not answering my texts. i even tried calling him

 Me: Maybe he's having a bad day?

I knew exactly what was up with Ray.

Unrequited love.

And unfortunately, I understand his feelings all too well.


 Me: ... how?

 Bob: Sleepover at my place!

 Me: When

 Bob: Today, duh. then we can all carpool to school tomorrow.

 Me: who are u planning on inviting anyways???

 Bob: You, me, ray, mikey, frank, and anyone ray might wanna invite

 Me: Okay, sounds good. i'll just check with mom

And so I did. And she was okay with it because I'm "making friends" and not acting like a "loner-weirdo-freak." Thanks mom.

And on the inside I was doing my little happy dance because I was going to have a sleepover with Fraaaaaaank (and the others but they're irrelevant because Frank's gonna be there).

 Me: She said i can go :)

 Bob: Awesome! i'll text the others

To put things into perspective, these text messages happened at about 9 a.m. Mikey was still in his room sleeping at the time.

By the time Bob texted me back it was almost 11 and I had just eaten a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

 Bob: Ray's bringing a friend and frank said he can come. i think frank's bringing a friend 2. So our party is happening. U can come over at 4

 Me: cool :) cya then

I wondered who Ray's friend was -and also Frank's friend- but I'm not the biggest fan of texting so I didn't bother wasting my hand energy on asking, especially when I knew that I would be seeing whoever they were in about 5 hours.

With my limited supply of energy, I can't afford to waste any of it on trivial things. I have to save some just in case some psycho chases me because he wants to molest me or something. I have to be able to run just in case. 'Cause you never know. I did have a psycho neighbor after all...

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