Chapter 1

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Evie P.O.V

I was on my way back to my dorm from cotillion when Carlos came up to me.

"Hey Evie" he called out to me. "Hey Carlos can you please make this quick I'm just really tired with everything that's happened the past few days."

Before I could even blink he wrapped his arms around me in a warm embrace. "Thank you for everything Evie" he started. "If it wasn't for you I probably wouldn't have had any friends and you helped me stand up to my mom. If it wasn't for you I would have never gotten a pillow or bed. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have came to Auradon or I probably wouldn't have gotten over my fear of dogs."

I think back to when Carlos and I were both 14 and I saw his room for the first time. All he slept on was the dirty floor, so I decided to give him a pillow and bed. Yeah we were on the Isle of the Lost and kindness was forbidden but he deserved it.

I was smiling the whole time until he says, "If it wasn't for you, Jane  would have never become my girlfriend."

Suddenly my eyes grew big and without thinking I broke free of his hug. "Jane is your what" I say so confused.

Carlos looks at me strange and says "I finally asked her out."

I just gave Carlos a blank stare. "Well I'm really happy for you" I say with almost no emotion. I start walking to my dorm faster and I stop in front of my door and I can hear Carlos saying "Evie what's wrong. Is it something I said?"

I turn back to look at him and give him the fakest smile ever and say "everything is just fine"

I walk into my room and slam the door. I see that Mal is already in the room laying down watching the Auradon news channel. "Woah what's wrong with you princess blueberry."

"M I'm fine" I say with a bit of attitude.

"Are you sure? Cause you slammed our door so hard the henges almost came off" she's says jokingly.

Without answering her I just walk in the bathroom and throw my pajamas on. I come out to see Mal is already sleep. So I decide to just hop in the bed, but I couldn't sleep. Why did I get so upset when Carlos told me he's with Jane now.

I mean yeah I did see them dancing together for half the night but I thought it was just as friends. Am I jealous? Duh I'm jealous! I've been with Carlos through everything on the Isle of the Lost and he's  never asked me out. Am I not good enough for him? Sure I have Doug and I love him but it's not the same.

"What does Jane have that I don't have?" I accidentally say out loud.

"What" I hear Mal say. "Crap" I say to myself. "E did you just say what I think you said. I sit up and look at her and say "Oh M I thought you were sleeping." "Don't think you're getting past this one blueberry" she says as she lays back down.

"We'll discuss this in the morning" she says before drifting off to sleep.

I finally decide to go to sleep remembering we have classes in the morning.

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