Chapter 30

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I wake up to see I had fallen asleep on Carlos lap. I look up at him and see he's awake.

"Hey cutie. How you feeling?" he asks looking down at me. I get up so I can stretch. "A little sore but much better." I respond. I look to see the tv is on. "What are you watching" I ask sitting next to him.

"Disney Channel" he responds. As I watch the tv its on commercial and I see a cute guy with freckles.

"Who's the hottie with the freckles?" I ask Carlos. "Some guy named Cameron Boyce" he says. (Sorry I had to) "Well when can I be Mrs.Boyce" I say. Carlos gives me the death stare. "I'm kidding. Besides, he looks just like you anyway" I say pinching his cheek. "He looks nothing like me" Carlos says shaking his head. "Oh please Carlos, y'all look like twins" I answer.

"Its cool cause I'm digging that Sofia Carson girl" he says. I push him off the bed causing him to fall on the ground. "Hey so you can talk about Cameron but I can't talk about Sofia" he says laughing.

I give him a fake laugh then turn the tv off.

The door suddenly swings open. We look to see Mal and Ben rushing in and breathing heavily. They slam the door shut and look at us with wide eyes.

"Woah what's wrong with you guys" I ask them. "Jane has gone MAD" Ben says panting. "She's running around the school yelling that she's gonna kill you Evie for stealing her man" Mal says locking the door. I grab onto Carlos arm tightly. "Why is everybody out to get me" I ask worriedly.

Carlos wraps his arm around me and says "I'll protect you"

"Where is Jane anyway?" I ask curious. "I don't know, she was running through the hallways with a knife. She's crazy" Ben says looking through the peephole. "What has gotten into her" Carlos says shocked.

Suddenly there's a loud knock on the door. "Evie, I know you're in there" I hear Jane shout innocently.

I walk up to the door looking through the peephole to see Jane there standing with a big knife in her hand. "What is happening" I mouth to Mal. We remain completely silent to make Jane think nobody's in the room.

"Fine if you won't open up I guess I'll just have to break the door down myself" we hear her say.

"Oh no" I run into the bathroom and lock the door.

Soon I hear the door bust down and hear Jane shout "WHERE'S EVIE." I listen through the door hearing Mal, Ben, and Carlos arguing with Jane until I hear a scream.

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