Chapter 32

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A few hours later Mal and I are getting ready for Ben's gathering for his friends. Its gonna be small since he only invited me, Mal, Carlos, Jay, Audrey, Lonnie, Chad, and Doug.

I look at Mal as she's staring at herself in the mirror.

"Ok E, everyday I love your designs even more" she says admiring herself in the mirror. "I know" I say smiling.

 "I know" I say smiling

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Mal and I leave the room walking to Ben's house. As we approach, Mal knocks in the door loudly and obnoxiously. "M, calm down" I say laughing. Ben soon comes and opens the door. "Ok Bertha, what's the rush" he says chuckling. "Don't call me that" Mal says playfully pushing him.

As we enter we see that everybody is there already at a large circular table filled with many different foods. I take a seat next to Carlos and Mal sits next to me and Ben sits next to her.

"Hey Carlos" I say greeting him. "How are you feeling" he asks hugging me. I'm still kinda sore but the medicine is working " I reply. Suddenly a girl walks in with 2 braids and she's really pretty. Doug gets up and kisses her which makes me smile knowing he found someone who could truly make him happy. "Hi, I'm Aniyah. My parents are Anna and Kristoff and my aunt is Elsa.

"Hey, we already know each other" Audrey says laughing while Lonnie nods in agreement

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"Hey, we already know each other" Audrey says laughing while Lonnie nods in agreement. Aniyah laughs and says "not you all silly, I was talking to Mal, Jay, Evie, and Carlos."

We all start eating, talking, and laughing just having a good time. Soon I feel something rubbing on my thigh. I look to see its Carlos which makes me blush tomato red. "Why you so red Evie?" Mal asks teasing me. I elbow Carlos so he can stop touching my leg. "No reason" I say giving her a fake smile.

When we finish eating we all put our things in the trash and everybody heads outside on the porch except for Carlos and I.

I'm washing dishes for Ben because I promised him I would. I feel Carlos come up behind me and start kissing my neck. "Carlos I'm busy" I say giggling. "You're never too busy for me" he says smirking. As I finish the last dish, Carlos leans in to kiss me and I do the same until the last minute I put a towel in his face.

"Start cleaning" I say. "Evie, you're not being fair" he whines.

I hop up sitting on the counter watching Carlos clean the rest of the kitchen. I wink at him, twirl my hair, and bite my tongue every so often to tease him until he couldn't take it anymore. "I'm done" he says dropping the cleaning supplies.

He walks up to me and kisses me running his hand up and down my thigh. I smile through the kiss as my arms snake around his neck. He pulls away and says "you know we still have to finish cleaning." "It can wait" I respond as I grab his collar pulling him in for another kiss. I hop off the counter as he lifts me up still kissing me.

We hear someone clear their throat loudly. Carlos puts me down and we look to see Ben and Mal.

"Don't dirty up my counter" Ben says laughing. "Go get a bedroom upstairs if you're gonna do all that" Mal says joking. "M you're the worst" I say playfully punching her. "That's me" she's says pointing at herself.

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