Chapter 18

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Carlos P.O.V

As we're eating I can't help but notice Evie isn't focused at all.

"Evie, what's bothering you?" I say as I scoot my chair closer to her. "Nothing" she says quietly. "Evie, I know when something is wrong" I say looking at her. She sighs and says "I just have a feeling as if something bad is going to happen and I don't know why." "You have nothing to worry about, its just us" I reassure her.

"Come here" I say dragging her to the edge of the water. "Carlos what are you doing" she giggles.

"Just look at the sunset" I say looking at the sky. "You know what it reminds me of" "What?" she ask still looking at it. "You" I respond. "How?" she asks confused.

"When it gets dark, it warms you up inside and out. Its one of the most beautiful things ever. Its like the light of your life. Its bright and bold. Everything you are Evie." I watch as Evie looks at me all emotional with watery eyes when suddenly she hugs me.

"I love you Carlos" she says unexpectedly. This causes me to smile and I say "I love you too Evie"

Out of nowhere a tentacle grabs Evie's leg and pulls her halfway in the water. "Carlos help me!" she screams. I try my best to pull on her arm but the thing grabbing her is way too strong. And with that, Evie disappears in the water. I stand there blankly trying to process what just happened when suddenly a note in a bottle comes out the water.

Taking it out the water I open the bottle to read the note.

"You really thought you could defeat me. WRONG! If you want princess blueberry back, come to the Isle and meet Harry and Gil at my mothers restaurant. Make sure you bring Mal as well. Its time for a do over with miss goody two shoes. Be there by 5 tomorrow or let's just say, you won't be seeing Evie ever again.


"Oh no!"

Dropping the bottle I run quickly to look for Mal. I have to save Evie before its too late.

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