Chapter 6

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I woke up with a terrible cough. I looked in the mirror to see my face is red. My nose is also stuffy.

"MAAALLLL" I shout startling her as she falls out of bed.

"What the heck blueberry, are you dying or something" she says to me while rubbing her eyes. "Where's the thermometer" I say with a raspy dry voice. Mal doesn't say a word and she just points to the bathroom while getting back in bed.

I put my blue bunny slippers on and walk to the bathroom.

I use the thermometer to check my temperature. "Really, 102!" I say while looking at it. I guess that means no school for me today. "Mal I'm sick, I'm going back to sleep" I say getting back in the bad. "I don't care" I hear her mumble. Wow even in her sleep she's rotten.

2 Hours Later

I wake up to hear a knock on the door. Mal is gone already which means she must be in class. I walk to the door and open it seeing Fairy Godmother standing there with Carlos.

"Good morning Evie dear. I heard you were sick and I brought your work for you and Carlos here has offered to take care of you." Fairy godmother says politely.

I slam the door shut walking back to my bed.

Yes it was cruel but I had no desire to see Carlos. Sadly I forgot Fairy godmother has a key to every dorm room so when they walked in, it was no surprise. I groan at the sight of Carlos. I guess I'll try to be polite today. "I brought you breakfast" he says with a soft smile. "I cant help but smile back at how sweet he is.

"Thanks" I say grabbing the tray of food.

I watch Fairy godmother set my work on my desk and leave the room quietly.

As I start chomping on the bacon, Carlos sits next to me and starts laughing. "You were hungry weren't you?" "Sure you could say that" I respond with my mouth full of food.

When I finish eating I get up to put the trash away and end up slipping on some paper on the floor falling into Carlos lap. Realizing where I'm sitting I hop off real quick and I don't know if its just me imagining it, but I swear I saw Carlos blush. "Um...sorry" I say awkwardly.

" have to use the bathroom" he says quickly walking to the bathroom.

"Ok that was just weird" I hear someone say. I look on Mal's bed to see Dude. "Dude, what are you doing here" I ask him. "Trying to fix my mistake." "What do you mean" I say while sitting next to him.

Dude clears his throat and says "I thought Jane and Carlos were perfect for each other but I guess I was wrong. Evie, you are what Carlos needs"

"What are you guys talking about" I turn to see Carlos standing there.

"Oh I was just telling Evie that you should be with he..." I look at Dude tryna signal him to be quiet knowing he says the truth all the time.

"Henry" I say trying to think of the best thing I could say. "Yes Henry. He needs more friends."

"And who is 'Henry'" Carlos says folding his arms. "A new student" I respond very quickly. Carlos looks at me suspiciously but just lets the conversation go. "If you say so" he says picking up Dude and sitting down.

"Wow, that was close" I think to myself.

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