Chapter 13

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Carlos P.O.V

As I wake up the next morning, the first thing I do is look for Jane. I really need to talk to her.

I find Jane in the cafeteria getting breakfast. "Jane" I call out approaching her. "Hi Carlos". She goes in for a kiss but I move away from her. "No" I said. "Carlos is it something I did" she asks confused.

I take a deep breath and say "yes it is."

Jane still looks at me funny acting as if she has no idea what I'm talking about. "Jane, I'm ending our relationship" I say plainly. "What" Jane says with her eye twitching which is actually starting to scare me.

"Jane I can't be with someone who would even think about hurting Evie." I say looking her in the eyes.

"You're making a big mistake Carlos" she says folding her arms. "No" I begin, "the mistake was being with you in the first place." After saying that I slowly start walking away from Jane but I can hear her say "you'll regret this Carlos!"

Evie P.O.V

Hours later its finally lunch time and I see Carlos coming up to me. I try to walk away from him but he grabs my hand. "Evie, please let me just talk to you for a minute" he says looking me in the eye.

"You have 2 minutes" I say letting go of his hand.

"I just wanna say I'm sorry Evie. I never meant to hurt you. My intentions were always just to protect you. Evie I love you and you know that. I care about you more than anybody else. You have to believe me."

Hearing that made me smile. I softly kiss him on his cheek. "Thanks Carlos." He smiles back at me and grabs my hand. "But what would you have to protect me from?" I ask confused.

"May I have your attention please!"

I look to see Jane standing in the middle of the cafeteria looking right at me.

"We all know about our blue princess friend Evie" she shouts. Everybody directs their attention to me causing me to get nervous. "Oh no" Carlos says panicking. "What's wrong?" I ask him, but he seems to not hear me. Jane starts talking again.

"Well there's a little secret you all need to know about Evie" she says smirking. "Jane, STOP!" I hear Mal shout from the other side of the cafeteria.

"Evie used to be anorexic" she says loud and clear. Everybody gasps and then turns their attention to me. I swore to never speak of it again. I only told Carlos, Mal and Jay but now the whole school knows. This can't be happening. I hear a few people snickering but mostly whispers.

I feel my eyes start to water up as a tear falls down my face.

I turn and look at all the people staring at me and I just couldn't take it anymore. I run off leaving everybody there.

All I can hear are faint screams coming from Carlos and Mal as they call my name but I don't stop running. I'm balling my eyes out as I make my way to my favorite spot when I'm sad.

The Enchanted Lake.

I hope I didn't make anybody feel uncomfortable. I put this in the story to let people know anorexia is not a joke. Everybody should be proud of who they are and embrace it.

Nobody deserves to be bullied because of this. I hope everybody can learn from this and realize nothing is funny about this.

I encourage everybody to look at their body, and to be proud of it because things like this can change your whole life.

Thank you for reading.

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