Chapter 5

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I sit there at the lake just staring at the water flowing in the dark. I can't believe I'm acting like this. Just yesterday at cotillion I was one of the sweetest people ever. Now that I'm in the nighttime staring at my reflection in the water, I don't even recognize myself.

"I don't deserve any of my friends" I say out loud as a tear rolls down my cheek.

Suddenly I hear footsteps behind me.

"Evie" I turn around to see Ben. "What are you doing here" I say turning back around. "Mal told me what happened and she told me to look for you. Are you ok?" He asks while sitting next to me.

"Does it look like I'm ok to you" I say standing up.

"Wait Evie, I'm just looking out for Mal's bestfriend. Evie you're like my sister. Let me help you." "Well you can't" I respond to him without even looking.

"I have something for you. Its from Jane" I hear Ben say.

"Well I don't want to read anything from her" I say while putting my hands on my hips. "What's your problem with her. Is it because she's not you?"

"What" I say shocked at what Ben just said. "Evie, everyone knows you like Carlos. Well, except for Doug, Jane, and I guess Carlos himself doesn't know" Ben states. "Give me the note" I say while snatching the note from Jane out of Ben's hand.

'Dear Evie

    I'm sorry if I made you upset this morning. I always love your hair. I guess I should've worded it differently. Thanks for always making my clothes and helping me out with royal banquets. Also I'm so glad to have friends now like you, Mal, Jay, and sweet Carlos. He means the world to me and I lo...'

"I can't read anymore" I say while ripping up the letter and throwing in the lake.

"Goodbye Ben" I say looking at him and running off too my room. As I'm running I'm wiping the tear stains off my face. Suddenly I end up bumping into somebody. I look up to see that I've bumped into Doug.

"Hey Evie what's goi...what were you crying" he says.

"Go away Doug please, just...GO!" I say without even thinking. I walk into my room and see Mal isn't in there. I put my pajamas on and lay on my bed with more thoughts pouring in my head. Every night.

Soon I get an idea in my head and I start smiling. "Evie is not a quitter. Besides, I always get what I want" I say with a smirk on my face.

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