Chapter 19

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I knock very loudly on Mal's door until she opens it. "Ok jeez where's the fire" she says irritated.

"UMA CAPTURED EVIE!" I yell. "Woah WHAT" Mal says shocked. "She left a note" I say giving it to Mal. "Uma wants to play, then let's play" she says with an evil grin on her face.

"Carlos, let's go get Ben, Jay, and Lonnie. We need to save Evie" she says walking out the door as I follow.

We grab all the weapons we need and steal the limo to get across the barrier.

As we get there we head up to the restaurant and see Harry and Gil standing at the door. I head straight to Harry and get close to him and say "Where's Evie." He just laughs and touches his hook saying "Oh Carlos. You've grown softer then you already were. I didn't think that was possible."

Just as I was about to punch him, Mal pulls me back. "Carlos, its not worth it." "So you don't care that they took Evie" I say annoyed. "Of course I do Carlos but you know Harry would never crack. But we know who will" she responds. "Oh, right" I say getting at what she's hinting at. I watch as Mal walks up to Gil. "Hi Gil" she says cheerful.

"Hey Mal, how you been" he answers. "Terrific. So, you think you can tell me where Shrimpy is. Its urgent" she says smiling. "Oh she's just inside" "Gosh Gil you're such an idiot" Harry says running inside with Gil.

As we walk inside we see Evie tied up to a chair with tape on her mouth while Harry stands behind her with his hook at her throat.

"Evie!" I shout. I look to see tears coming out her eyes rapidly.

"Oh no, they're gonna kill Evie!" Lonnie shouts terrified. "No I'm not" we hear someone say. We turn to our left to see Uma. "What do you want from us Uma." Mal ask taking a step closer. "Auradon" she says.

"What happens to Evie depends on Ben" she says pointing to him. We all turn and look at Ben. "Me" he ask pointing at himself.

Uma begins speaking saying "If you let me, Harry, and Gil come to Auradon then I will return Evie to you safe and sound. If not, its bye bye princess. All Harry has to do is move that hook once and she's done for. You have 30 seconds to make your decision."

I run up to Ben and plead with him. "Please tell me you'll make the right decision." Ben sighs and says "My parents are gonna hate me forever.

As he walks up to Uma he says "Alright, I'll send somebody tomorrow to pick you up for Auradon." Cheers and laughter fill the room as they celebrate. "Ok Harry, let her free" Uma says pointing to Evie. Harry unties her and takes the tape off Evie's mouth setting her free.

I immediately run up to her and hug her. "Evie I thought I lost you" I say as a tear falls down my eye.

"Let's go home. I don't wanna talk about anything that happened when you all weren't here" she says walking out the door crying. "Uh oh, something's bothering her" Jay says. "She almost died Jay. How do you expect her to act?" Mal says aggravated.

"Let's just leave" I say walking out.

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