Chapter 4

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Evie P.O.V

"Hey Evie"

I roll my eyes and sigh. "What do you want Carlos" I say back to him. "Can I talk to you" he asks sweetly.

"You could talk, but that doesn't mean I'll listen" I say while sitting down drawing some new fashion. "E, let him speak and you better listen to him" Mal says while putting some headphones on.

I stand up and walk over to Carlos and rudely say "what?"

"Nice to see you too." He says laughing. "Please, now is not the time Carlos" I say crossing my arms. Carlos clears his throat and begins to speak. "So what up with you?"

"What are you talking about" I say back to him.

"Well first of all you flipped on my girlfriend." "WeLl fiRsT oF aLL yOu fliPpED oN my GirLFriEnD" I say mimicking him. "Evie stop, what is wrong with you recently!" He says clearly losing his patience.

"I DONT wanna talk about it" I say walking away from him and sitting on my bed.

As I look up I see Carlos standing over me. "You may not wanna talk but I wanna know what's bothering you. You know I'm here for you Evie." That's when I lost it. "GET OUT! JUST OUT!" I say while pointing to the door.

I look at Mal and sees she quickly takes her headphones off.

"Woah what is going on" Mal says while walking towards us. "I don't know but I think I'm done here" Carlos says while walking out and slamming the door. I sit there just staring at the door thinking about what just went down. I can't believe I flipped AGAIN.

"E, I don't know what's going on with you lately but we need to talk."

"What" I say rudely.

"Ok Evie, first let's get this attitude checked because even I wasn't this bad" Mal says jokingly. I smile knowing that Mal is one of the only people who can make me smile when I'm upset.

"Evie do you like Carlos?"

"No" I respond very quietly. Mal just starts laughing. "E, do you really expect me to believe that. I saw you looking at him and Jane in chemistry class with disgust. You even broke one of the number 1 rules on the Isle just to help him. You clearly have a soft spot in your heart for him."

"Ok, maybe just a little" I say blushing.

Suddenly Mal's whole expression changes. "And you didn't tell me" Mal says while folding her arms. "M I'm sorry I just didn't know what you would think." I say apologetic.

"So why are you with Doug when you have feelings for someone else?" Mal asks me.

"That's the thing Mal" I begin. "I don't know what I want.

I walk out of my room leaving Mal over there. I go for a little walk around Auradon and before I know it I end up at the Enchanted Lake.

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