Chapter 34

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1 Year Later

"M I'm freaking out. Carlos is never gonna propose to me! Does he even love me?!?! You and Ben got married 10 months ago and Carlos and I been dating for 2 years. This is ridiculous!" I rant to Mal.

"Woah blueberry, let's calm down" she says patting my shoulders."

"If you're so concerned then why don't you talk to him. Now don't just blurt out and say 'I wanna get married' but try to hint at it but not too obvious" she advises me.

"Ok, I'll go talk to him" I say standing up.

As I arrive at Carlos' room, he opens the door from the first knock. "Carlos can I talk to you" I ask with a slight smile. He motions for me to come in and I take a seat on his bed.

"Whats wrong" he asks while sitting next to me.

I take a deep breath and ask "do you love me?" "Of course I do Evie why would you ever question that" he says. "Because you haven't committed to me yet" I say in a whisper. Carlos looks at me confused until he finally gets what I'm hinting at. "Evie..." he begins before I cut him off. "If you really loved me you would've made your commitment" I say. "Evie stay right here" he says walking away.

I watch as he comes back with something behind his back. "I was actually planning something more romantic for this moment but this will just have to do" he says which confuses me. He lowers down on one knee pulling a ring from behind his back causing me to gasp as a tear rolls down my face.

"Evie...I've known you for years. From the moment I met you I knew that something was there. You helped me through so many things and you're the only one who lifts my spirits up when I'm down. You're warm, kind, smart, funny, beautiful, and mines. I believe you're my one true love. You were my first friend, first crush, first love, and now...I want you to be my only wife. So Evie, will you make me the happiest guy in the world and marry me."

By now I'm fully crying. I'm too shocked to even say anything which is worrying Carlos. "Um...Evie" he says nervously.

I grab his face kissing him as he wraps his arm around me. Breaking away he says "Is that a 'yes'" "DUH" I say giggling making him blush. He slips the ring on my ring finger causing me to smile. He leans in kissing me again closing the gap between us.

As I pull away I look at him and say "My Carlos." "My Evie" he says looking back at me.

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