Chapter 20

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As we get in the limo, we look to see Evie is already in there with a blanket wrapped around her. "Are you cold?" I ask scooting next to her. "No" she says moving away from me and next to Mal. Mal looks at me with wide eyes and mouths "What did you do?" "I don't know" I whisper back.

As we arrive at Auradon, Evie immediately hops outs the car and starts running. "Evie, wait!" I yell. "Go away!" she shouts back.

"Ok something is definitely bothering her" Ben says. "Way to state the obvious" Mal says walking away. "Well I'm gonna find out what's wrong." I say.

As I arrive at her dorm, I hear sobbing from outside. "Evie, are you ok?" I ask. "Leave me alone" she shouts.

I turn to see Mal coming down the hall. "Mal can you open the door for me please" I ask. "Sure" she says taking her key out and unlocking it. "Voilà" she says walking away. As I walk in I see Evie on the floor crying. "Evie what's wrong" I say sitting next to her. Evie looks down at her arms and legs and quickly grabs a blanket to hide it.

"What are you hiding" I ask. "Nothing" she responds sobbing. As I pull the blanket off her I notice scars on her arms and legs. "Evie did you do that" I ask shocked. "No of course not" she says defensively.

"It was Harry and his stupid hook" she says. "He did that to you" I say almost yelling.

"It's ok Carlos" she says grabbing my hand. "No its not. I'm sick of Harry. He thinks he can just get away with things. He can't just push people around with his dumb hook and always try to get what he wa..." I was cut off by Evie kissing me. I immediately kiss back as I wrap my arms around her waist pulling her closer to me.

As she pulls away she says "I'm fine Carlos. I was trying to hide it at first but I'm ok. Thanks for caring." "Could you do what you just did again?" I ask referring to when she just kissed me. "Carlos" she said playfully hitting my arm as we laugh.

"Well I'm glad you're ok" I say wrapping my arm around her. "Me too" she responds while leaning her head on my shoulder.

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