Chapter 27

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"Mom how did you get here" I say standing in front of Evie to protect her in case my mom harms her.

"I snuck across when Uma and her crew came over here" she says stepping closer to me. I hear Mal come inside. "Ok Evie you are all checked AHHH CRUELLA" she screams. "What is she doing here" she mouths looking at me.

"Mal, I'm so disappointed in you. I thought you being Maleficent daughter you would at least be the one to remain evil" my mother says.

"Well things change" Mal says as her eyes turn green which normally isn't a good sign.

"Oh please Mal, there's no need for that. I'm here for my son and his wretch." "Don't talk about Evie like that" I say walking up to her. "Oh Carlos, why don't you just come home. I miss you" my mom says.

"Why? Is it because you need somebody to 'fluff your fur' or to 'scrape the bunions off your feet'" I ask folding my arms.

"That's not the only reason. You need to stay awake from this slob" she says sticking her tongue out.

"Excuse me" Evie says taking offense.

"Mom, stop. How did you even hear about me and Evie" I ask curious. "Its all over the Auradon news channel. So is Mal and her little prince." "Don't try me Cruella" Mal says giving her the eye then leaving the room. "Carlos you're coming home now" she says pulling my arm. "NO" I answer, yanking my arm away.

"I am your mother and you will do as I say and Auradon is no place for you!" she shouts.

"I will not go back. You've done nothing but hold me back. The Isle is no longer a place for me. Auradon has taught me so many things you never would've. Being here has helped me find myself. I learned that I don't wanna be evil like you. I even found love." I look at Evie and grab her hand intertwining our fingers. "And there's nothing you can do about it" I finish.

"I've never been so disgusted in you" she says looking at me.

The door bursts open and Mal comes running in with Ben, Fairy Godmother, and 2 Auradon soldiers. "Take her away" Ben says pointing to my mother.

The soldiers grab her and take her out while she's fussing at them.

"Are you two ok?" Mal asks us.

"Yeah, we're fine. Let's just get Evie to her dorm so she can get some rest" I say helping Evie up.

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