Chapter 16

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1 Month Later

Carlos and I were leaving class together, walking hand in hand.

"Evie, did you finish your part of our project" Carlos asks me. "Almost, I just have to decorate it" I respond.

We see Jay coming up to us and he says "come on Carlos, we got practice." "Ok, Evie I'll see you later" he says looking towards me. I give him a quick kiss and say "alright see you later." I watch as him and Jay walk away. Carlos stops to look at me and shouts "Oh Evie, don't forget we have a date tonight for our 1 month anniversary." I giggle and respond saying "did you really think I'd forget that?"

Carlos laughs and then winks at me causing me to blush.

I walk back to my dorm finding Mal inside. "Mal, you gotta help me pick out an outfit for my date with Carlos" I say quickly.

Mal moans and says "Ugh, aren't you the fashion expert." "Yes but I want my bestfriend's approval" I say pulling her up. "Fine, I'll help" she says finally standing up.

I grab 5 different outfits and head to the bathroom.

"Ok, here's outfit 1" I say stepping out the bathroom

"Ok, here's outfit 1" I say stepping out the bathroom

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(Outfit 1)

"Its nice" Mal says smiling.

I go back into the bathroom and change into the other outfit. "Outfit 2"

 "Outfit 2"

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(Outfit 2)

"Simple but cute" I say spinning.

I show Mal the other 3 outfits to which ones she likes best.

I show Mal the other 3 outfits to which ones she likes best

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(Outfit 3)

(Outfit 4)

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(Outfit 4)

(Outfit 5)

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(Outfit 5)

"So which one is it gonna be Mal" I say jumping up and down. Mal scratches her head and says "well they all look so nice on you E."

"I got it!" Mal begins. "I'm gonna go with..."

Comment below which outfit you like best. Majority wins.

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