Chapter 21

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Evie's P.O.V

The next day we had to wake up early to welcome Uma, Harry, and Gil to Auradon. I just know they're up to something.

As I'm walking outside I look and see Carlos talking to Jane. I watch from a distance but still close enough to where I can hear. "So Carlos, are you ready to take me back" she says grabbing his hand. Pulling his hand away from hers he says "No, I love Evie. You stay away from me."

Jane rolls her eyes and says "I know you want me back. Stop playing so hard to get." "No Jane, I don't want anything to do with you." Carlos says

"Lies" Jane says. I watch as Jane grabs Carlos and kisses him.

"OH NO SHE DIDN'T" I scream out loud. I run up to Jane tackling her. "What do you think you're doing you slut" I say pinning her down. "Somebody get this freak off of me" she says struggling to break free of my grasp.

Mal and Ben come running over helping Carlos pull me off of Jane.

"Woah what is going on" Ben ask confused. "This hoe bucket just kissed my boyfriend" I say pointing at Jane. "You guys are pathetic" Jane says walking away. "BYE LOVE" Mal shouts at her sarcastically.

I turn and look at Carlos as he begins speaking. "Evie I'm so sorry I didn't do anything, Jane just came over here and started talking to me..." "Carlos" I say trying to interrupt him but he keeps talking. "And then out of nowhere she just kissed me and I tried to push her off of me but then you came here and..."

"CARLOS" I say startling him which makes  him stop talking. "I'm not mad at you Carlos" I say smiling.

"You're not" he asked.

"I saw everything. I know you wouldn't do something like that" I said. "Thank goodness" he said with a sigh of relief. "But if I ever catch that thing around you again, I will hurt both of you" I say joking.

Ben, Mal, Carlos and I just laugh as we leave to go welcome Uma and her friends to Auradon.


I know that the picture is a Camfia picture and not a Carvie picture but I just really love it.

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