Chapter 24

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As we're walking to our first class I say to Carlos "Hey did you hear that Fairy Godmother is having a welcome party for Uma, Harry, and Gil."

"Yeah, I don't feel like going though" he says. "We have to go, and its not fair they get a welcome party but when we came we didn't have one." I say pouting. "I think they're only getting one because of what happened last time Uma was here and Fairy Godmother wants to soften her." Carlos says back.

"Well that's not gonna stop her" I say as we walk in the classroom.

Eventually, classes are finally done and Mal and I are in our room getting dressed for the welcome party.

"Awwwe Mal you look so cute" I squeal.

"Thanks E, but the credit goes to you. After all you did make the dress." Mal says hugging me. "Wow blueberry look at you" "I know right, I look gorgeous." I say twirling.

" I say twirling

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(Mal's dress)

(Evie's dress)

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(Evie's dress)

"Ok Evie let's go. Carlos and Ben are probably already there waiting for us" Mal says walking out the door.

As we arrive I say to Mal "Oh and don't forget Snow White is presenting the award for favorite couple today." "Ben and I will win" Mal says rolling her eyes. "You guys won last month. Its me and Carlos turn" I say playfully punching her. "Whatever, I'm going to find Ben" she says laughing. I look around for Carlos until I spot him by the chocolate fountain which is not a surprise.

"Hey, save some chocolate for me" I say walking up behind him. "No, its all mine" he says with chocolate in his mouth. "Ew chew with your mouth closed" I say giggling.

Carlos finishes chewing and takes a napkin to wipe his face. "My bad" he says smiling. I look to see Snow White taking the stage. "Come on Carlos, they're about to announce favorite couple." I say pulling on him.

"May the nominees for favorite couple make their way to the stage" Snow White says into the microphone.

As we make our way up to the stage, Carlos whispers in my ear "No matter who wins, we'll always be MY favorite couple" causing me to blush.

"We have Mal and Ben"

"We have Mal and Ben"

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"Evie and Carlos"

"Audrey and Chad"

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"Audrey and Chad"

"And Lonnie and Jay"

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"And Lonnie and Jay"

"And the votes are in" Snow White shouts

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"And the votes are in" Snow White shouts. I look at Mal and she looks back at me and winks giving me a thumbs up. "And the winner is..."

Suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my side and everything goes black. The last thing I hear is Carlos, Mal, Ben, and Audrey screaming my name.

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