Chapter 2

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Carlos P.O.V

I was walking back to my room so confused as to why Evie just flipped. I walked in my room and saw Jay playing a video game.

"Hey Jay can I talk to you for a minute" I say to him while walking to my bed.

"What's up" he responds turning the game off. "Well" I start off saying, "So I was talking to Evie and thanking her for everything she did for me back on the Isle and she just flipped"

Jay looks back at me confused and says "Are you sure? That doesn't sound like Evie. There must be something else you said."

As I'm sitting I try to think of what else I said to Evie.

"Well I told her thanks for helping me stand up to my mom. I said thanks for being my first friend. I told her thanks for helping me with Jane..." "Woah stop right there. You told Evie of all people that you're dating Jane! Man I thought I taught you better."

"What's wrong with that" I say confused.

"Dude, Evie has had a crush on you since we came to Auradon" Jay says. I just sit there with a blank stare on my face "What do you mean" I state.

Jay rolls his eyes and says "Bro, she's always staring at you and did you not notice how she was looking at you when you tried asking Jane out the first time." "Jay, Evie is not the least bit interested in me. On the Isle, I liked Evie from the day I met her. I was always blushing around her and everything she said made me smile. Just looking at her gave me chills. And guess what I got, friend zoned. She always called me her brother and I couldn't take it anymore. So when we came here to Auradon, I thought it was the perfect time to get over Evie and find someone else. So I met Jane and I like her. I still have feelings for Evie but you mean to tell me that now that I'm with Jane that's when you tell me she has a crush on me!? My life is terrible" I say while plopping down face forward on my bed.

Jay pats me on the back and says "well now that you're done rambling, you have to choose yourself if its gonna be Evie or Jane. Goodnight"

With that Jay turns the light off and hops in his bed falling asleep.

Thoughts are running through my head as I start comparing Evie to Jane.

I remember when I first met her, she came to school for the first time and sat right next to me. I immediately started talking to her and noticed how pretty she was. She was my first friend. I remember from the time that she helped me plan the party from when Mal locked her in my mothers closet and I had to save her.

I remember from the time that she first saw my room and that I sleep on the floor to the time she gave me my first pillow and mattress.

I even remember when she tried to ask her mom if I could live with them so I could get away from my mom. But sadly I remember every time she called me nothing more than her "brother". As much as it hurt, I thought it made her happy so I never said anything. And now that I've found Jane I find out from someone else that she likes me!? That just can't be true.

She's one of the "perfect girlfriend" type. She's beautiful and smart but insecure.

Sure she used to be scared of me and my friends but now she's just sweet and always looking out for us. But what has she done for me? Well I've only known her for 6 months so I have to give her some time.

I think I'm gonna give Jane a chance and see if she really cares for me.

I know Evie loves me but she waited to late. I've moved on. Or have I? I'm gonna go with Jane I mean I just started dating her today. I can't break her heart like that. If Evie really likes me then she'll come after me because she always goes for what she wants.

If you read the book then you'd understand what Carlos is talking about what happened on the Isle

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