Chapter 1

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Behind the scenes.

Kajols pov.

I was in the dressing room trying on the saree which I had to wear for today's schooting. We are shooting in front of a waterfall. I am kinda excited. This is the first day of the song shooting. Fact is that the water fall scene is actually in the middle of the song but it was the closest place from our hotel. So Rohit our director wanted to shoot here first. Which I really don't mind though.

After some time the make up artist came and did my make up. I was eagerly waiting for the shooting because we were going to shoot behind the waterfall as well and I have never been behind a waterfall. I havent even seen the location. Rohit forbid me to see the location before shooting because he wanted it to be a surprise. It's not like I'm gonna go there anyways before the shooting. He also said that we'll not be able to see any of the locations for gerua before shooting. As a little surprise factor.

I was finally ready. I was excited to see Shahrukh. It has been 3 months since we saw each other. It was such a short time but I still missed him a lot. It's just that we're acting together after a long time, 5 years to be exact. I hope Shahrukh is not late again. He is never on time. But his flaws make him his own and individual human.

Shahrukh's pov

I woke up too late but I still have the chance to make it on time. I just took a fast shower and put on some random clothes. I waited for the elevator but it seemed to be out of order. So I ran down the stairs and gave my key to the receptionist. I saw my driver standing at the entrance and he looked annoyed but as soon as he saw me he smiled and sarcastically said:,, Sir you made it finally.'' and laughed. I apologized scratching the back of my neck. I hate to be lat but it's something that I always do even if I tried to be on time. That's just me.

We drove to the location. Kajol didn't see the locations until now. It was my idea to hide those locations from Kajol until shooting. I wanted to give her some nice surprises. Just a friendly gesture from my side. You know. I hope Kajol is at least just a little bit happy about it. It's not like she would go there anyways.

Back at home it wasn't that good. Gauri and I are not on good terms right now. So I was kind of happy to be a bit away from her. She seems to dislike me right now. She is always shouting at me for stupid reasons. I have the feeling that she is pissed about something I did or she is hiding something from me and trying to blame me for her mistake. I am still trying to figure out what it is but I think its good for both of us to be away from eachother for some time. This shooting is the perfect oppertunity. She can have some distance from me and overthink things. Or just do whatever she wants.

When I finally arrived at the set I ran to Rohit and apologised. Afterwards I searched for Kajol. But she was no where to be found. Then I suddenly ran into her make up artist.

Make up artist: ,,Where have you been? It was about time for you to show up. Anyways we have to get you ready now..''

I:,, Ya but I..''

He interupted me:,, No buts. Come with me Sir.''

I rolled my eyes and followed her. I was annoyed that I couldn't meet kajol yet. But I just convinced myself that I will have the whole day with her. I hoped that I will be able to wait for an hour. God please don't test my patience.

Kajols pov

God damn. I have been waiting for Shahrukh around 30 minutes now. He's defintily taking a lot of time. I was alone in the dressing room. I looked in the mirror at myself. I looked at myself and thought what I have became. It was never my dream to be an actress in first place. But life leads to unexpected destinations. I dozed of and was lost in my thoughts.

I suddenly saw Shahrukh. He came from behind and hugged me. He kissed the nape of my neck. I felt a shiver running down my spine. I let out a soft moan of pleassure. Shahrukh slid his hand under my red saree. I felt electricity. His hands started to go up. I grabbed his hand and..

I was suddenly interupted by a voice calling my name. I snapped out of my thoughts amd saw shahrukh standing in front of me with a worried look on his face. Omg did I just have sexual dream about Shahrukh. I am a married woman. I shouldn't have those kind of thoughts with another man. I was terrorized. I could feel my cheeks turning red. The hell is wrong with me?

I: Shit!

Srk: Kajol are you okay?

I : Ya..Uh..I..uh..I was just thinking? Sorry.

Srk:What were you thinking about?

I :Uhm nothing.

I felt my cheeks burning. Kajol control yourself.

Shahrukh's pov

Kajol was acting really weird. I wanted to know what she was thinking about. But anyways why did she blush? I'm not in the position to ask her right now. By the way did I mention that she looks good in that saree. It reminded me of kuch kuch hota hai. The dance in the rain. She looks just as sexy like in old times. Wait did I just call my best friend sexy. I just ignored my thoughts and concentrated on kajol.

Srk: So that saree looks nice on you.

Kajol: Ummmh thanks but you forgot something.

Srk: What? I am wearing my costume. I have my phone. What else?

Kajol looked pissed. She just turned away. I really didnt know what I forgot. The it striked. I didnt even hug her. How could I forget that? She is a sucker for hugs. If you dont hug her then she wont even look at you. I just laughed at how childish she is. I spread my arms wide and smiled at her. She raised her eyebrow. But after a few second her lips formed a smile. She slowly came up to me. I pulled her in a tight hug and kissed her forehead. She smiled at me and pinched my cheeks and said 'How could you forget?' I just smiled and pulled her head to my chest.

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