Chapter 21

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Shahrukh: ITS MY BABY OK?

Gauri: What? What did you just say?

Shahrukhs pov.

Shit I blurt it out. Kajol and I were supposed to tell Gauri together. Plus I should have said it calm. Now Gauri will be even angrier. But she really got on my nerve. She could have just let it go but she had to keep confronting me. Now what should I do?

Shahrukh: Uh nothing.


Shahrukh: I am sorry ok. The baby is mine.

Gauri: How and when did this happen?

Shahrukh: It happend when we were in Iceland shooting Gerua. I took Kajol out for a day. The night we had dinner and ya then everything went so fast and I slept with her. I am sorry ok.

Gauri: Are you kidding me? It happend nine months before and you tell me now. How could you do this to me to the kids? Would you have even told me if I didnt confront you.

Shahrukh: I am sorry. I was scared to tell you. And we ended our friendship for you guys. So I thought that it was a mistake and if I never see Kajol again everything will be fine. But then I met her a month ago again and I saw that she is pregnant. I thought it was Ajays. But yesterday she told me its mine. We planned on telling you after she gets discharged.

Gauri: Oh my god. I cant believe. And I am not going to believe one word of what you just said. We loved each other so much and now everything is ruined because of your stupidness.

Shahrukh: I am sorry. I know you cant forgive me but please.

Gauri: That stupid bitch. She wrapped you around her fingers and you fell for it. I always knew that it was not a good idea to let you be friends with her apart from your movies. You always loved her. Before she came into our lives we we were so happy. But after that I thought everything was ok. But now I realise. She is fucking slut who sleeps with everyone.

I couldne hold it anymore. How could she talk like that about Kajol? She was nothing but kind. She always encouraged Gauri. She always said that she was happy to be friends with gauri. And now gauri accuses her. It was a mistake ok? But why didnt she blame me? Kajol did nothing. I was the one who made the first step. Kajol tried to go away from me but I stopped her and made her do it. All the Angdr came up. I slapped Gauri.

Shahrukh: Dont talk like that about her. It was my fault ok. She was always so nice to you. She never did anything that would hurt. She tried to stop me but I was the one who did the mistake. Dont talk like that.

Gauri: Great just great. Now you slapped me for that bitch. I fucking hate her. She brain washed you really good. You were so nice. You always said how important I was to you. Ypu promised me that you would never slap me for anything or anyone. Now you did it.

Shahrukh: Ya I did. But your just crossing the limit with your talk. You have every right to hat me but what did she do?

Gauri: Oh shahrukh. Forget it. I am leaving.

Shahrukh: Go.

Gauri: You bastard.

Shahrukh: Whatever. Just go.

Gauri: Uhh I hate you.

Gauri slammed the door in front of me. I realise that I over reacted but she was just too much. I cant believe it. How could she talk like that about someone? Especially Kajol. I was so angry. I just went for a run to cool of my mind. I think I should go and see Kajol and my baby. Kajol cant know about this. She will freak out. She will put all the blame on her and I dont know what she would do. I then went to the hospital.

Kajol: Hey shahrukh. Come sit down.

Shahrukh: Thanks.

Shahrukh: Can I have her?

Kajol: You dont need to ask. She is your daughter as well.

Shahrukh: Thank you.

I took her in my arms and looked at her beautiful face. It took of every weight from my back. I felt so relieved. She then opened her eyes for a split of a second. I havent seen her eyed before. Her eyes looked just like Kajols. I loved them. Kajol sat next to me and watched.

Shahrukh: Hey baby. Its your daddy. I am so happy to see you. When I see your beautiful face I forget the world. When I see you beautiful eyes I see your pure heart just like your mom. I am sure you will be a great person.

Kajol: Awww. Thats so sweet. I wish I could be her. I want someone to say those things to me.

Shahrukh: All those thing were for you as well.

Kajol: Haha sweet. But can I ask you something?

Shahrukh: Ya.

Kajol: Are you ok?

Shahrukh: Ya why do you ask?

Kajol: I dont know. I kind of have a feeling that you dont feel well.

Shahrukh: No everything is ok. Dont worry.

Kajol: Its ok. You dont have to tell me. I just want you to be ok.

Thats what I liked about Kajol. She always knew what to do. She knew when she needed to talk and when to remain silent.

Shahrukh: No I will tell you. Gauri and I fought because she got on my nerve and I told her about everything that happend between us.

Kajol: Oh my god. I. I am so sorry. It is my fault.

Shahrukh: No need to apologize. It was not your fault.

Kajol: It is. I came inbetween you too. I think I shouldnt have been born.

Shahrukh: Oh shut up. If you think like that I also came inbetween you and Ajay.

Kajol: I am so sorry.

Kajol started crying. Whenever she was lost she started crying. I put the baby in the crib and took Kajols hand.

Shahrukh: Hey. Shut up. If you dont stop crying I am not gonna talk to you and I will also tell the baby not to talk to you.

Kajol: Ok ok. I am sorry. I think its the best if I just get out of your life.

Shahrukh: Dont you dare. I dont want to lose you again. I will kill you if you do that. Do you want the baby to grow up with a single parent.

Kajol: But I just ruined you life.

Shahrukh: You didnt do anything. It was neither your fault nor mine. Just leave it. We have always supported each other. I am sure we can do this as well.

Kajol: I dont know. I am not sure. What if.

Shahrukh: Shh. Just shut up and hug me.

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