Chapter 4

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The surprise

Few days later..

Kajol's pov

I was laying on my bed and slowly opened my eyes. I went to the bathroom and took a bath and then finished myself up. When I came I saw a letter on the table. It said: Hello señiorita. Dont look for me. You have enough time to get ready. I just went a bit earlier because I have to prepare something. You will get to know what it is soon. With love Raj Malhotra;).

What does he have to prepare. I just went to the set and looked for Shahrukh. But he was nowhere to be found. So I went to get lunch with farah. We talked for while and she forgave me about the kiss. Then she looked at her phone and then at me.

Farah: Kajol. I have a surprise for you.

Kajol: What is it?

Farah: Just turn around.

I turned around and saw Nysa standing there and waving at us. I ran over to her and gave her a tight hug and a kiss on her cheek.

Kajol: My baby. How are you?

Nysa: I am fine mom. How are you?

Kajol: I am fine baby. Where is Yug?

Nysa: He is at home with dad. I just came here for you.

Kajol: Oh my baby! But wait. No one knows where the location is except the crew. How did you get here?

Nysa: Someone special actually told me to come.

Kajol: Who is it? Farah?

Nysa: No mom. Its Shahrukh uncle.

Kajol: Omg really? But how did dad accept you to come alone?

Nysa: Shahrukh uncle convinced him.

Kajol: But how?

Srk: We talked out the things.

Kajol: Shahrukh?

Srk: Yes I apologized. He accepted it and we cleared everything out.

Nysa: Thanks uncle for convincing dad.

Shahrukh gave Nysa a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

Srk: Now my beautiful ladies. I organized a special lunch. Just for the two of you. Waiter bring them to the table.

Waiter: Yes sir. Please follow me ma'm.

I told nysa to go and and just went back to give Shahrukh on the cheek. He smiled and I smiled back.

Then the waiter took us to our table. It was a beautiful lunch table on the roof top. Just for me and Nysa.

Nysa: Mom its beautiful!

Kajol: Yes baby. Its awesome.

Nysa: Mom we should have invited Sharukh uncle too.

Kajol: Ya. I forgot.

Nysa and I talked about her life back at home. She told me that she was leaving tomorrow morning. I was happy to finally have my daughter with me but she has school. Education is important. I want my kids to have a normal life. Whatever happens they shouldnt be influenced by my cinema life. Nysa excitedly told me about the medal she won for a art competition. Nysa loved art. She was good at it. I wont say she is piccaso but she is good for her age.

Nysa: Mom I will ask you something! Can you please answer honestly?

Kajol: Ofcource. I would never lie to you.

Nysa: Ok mom. Did you kiss Shahrukh uncle?

I was shocked. My heart was racing. How did she find out? Did ajay tell her? He hates me. So he wants my kids to hate me too. Shahrukh was wrong. Ajay would never forgive me.

Nysa: Mom please answer!

Kajol: Yes I did. I know you will hate me now. I am sorry baby. It was never my intention.

Nysa's pov

Oh poor mom. Why couldnt dad or mom tell me? If I hadnt overheard their conversation on phone, would they ever have told me? Her eyes teared up. She was about to cry.

Nysa: Hey mom. Its ok. I am not angry at you.

Kajol: Wait What? You're not?

Nysa: How can I be angry at you mom? You're my mother and role model. Everyone does mistakes. So its ok. Remember how many times dad made mistakes? You always forgave him. They say When you apoligize you're not bigger or smaller. But when you forgive you have a big heart. So I learned to forgive because my mom, my rolemodel did it!

Kajol's pov

I took Nysa in my arms. Her words touched my heart. How can such a young girl have so much knowledge. She has such big heart. I started crying in joy and she hugged me even tighter. I was proud of her of what she has become. Then I saw Shahrukh standing at the entrance and his eyes filled with tears. I smiled at him and signaled him to stop crying. He just smiled and whipped the few tears he had.

Later that evening after the shoot for gerua...

Shahrukh's pov

I went looking for Nysa. I went to Kajol's room and saw her sitting there. She welcomed me with a big smile and offerd me a seat next to her.

Shahrukh: You're a good girl.

Nysa: Thanks. Learned it from mom.

Shahrukh: I know. You're just like your mom. The beauty, the heart, the crazieness, just everything.

Nysa: Thanks uncle. You're a good man too. Also if you're not my blood you've always been and will be my uncle.

Shahrukh: You must have been bleased by god to have such a good heart. Your even toped your mother.

Nysa: Ooh thats gonna make mom angry.

Shahrukh: No it wont. She would never be jelous of her own daughter. And I am sorry about the kiss.

Nysa: Hey uncle. It's ok. Don't worry.

Shahrukh: Thanks my dear. Can you give this uncle a hug.

She was just like kajol. I loved her just as much as I loved Kajol. She was the one who always supported our friendship. She even stood up for me to her father. This girl will become a great person. She is yet so young but then so mature.

Kajol's pov

Seeing Nysa and Shahrukh supporting each other this much made me proud. I have the best daughter and friend. They're being so mature and lovable. I love them. I just hid behind the door and watched their moment. I was the happiest person on earth right now. I know that Nysa loved Shahrukh. She always kept asking me when he will visit us which annoyed Ajay a lot. She never changed herself for others. Shahrukh on the other hand can be stubborn but he has a pure heart. He has always supported me. Whenever Ajay and I fought, I called Shahrukh. Not that I told him about all problems in out relationship. He always had the best way to make me feel better. These to people are the best thing that has ever happend me.

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