Chapter 7

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The date part three

Kajols pov

We finally arrived. We were left out on a platform.

Shahrukh: Did you like the ride?

Kajol: Of course. The view was excellent.

Shahrukh: Thats nice.

Kajol: Of cource. You have the best surprises.

Shahrukh's pov

When she said that I had the best surprises, it made me smile. She came closer and pinched my cheek and gave a kiss. I smiled.

Shahrukh: Now are you ready for a walk to our last destination?

Kajol: Yes. Born to be ready.

Shahrukh: Ohh. For once you just say yes with out asking questions!

Kajol: Oh shut up or I will bombard you with questions.

Shahrukh: Sorry Madam. No need to do that. After you.

I let her go first and walked next to her. She held my biceps and followed me. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

It started to get dark. I guess it was around 7 p.m. It started to get cold. So I took Kajol and went a bit faster.

Kajol: Shahrukh its getting cold.

Shahrukh: Oh I know. I told you yesterday that you should wear you jacket.

Kajol: I know. I am sorry. I was just being stubborn.

Shahrukh: No need to apologize. Take my jacket.

Kajol: No Shahrukh. You will freeze. Your nose is getting red.

Shahrukh: Its ok. Its not that far anymore.

Kajol: No Shahrukh.

She was being stubborn. So I started to think of a solution which would make both us happy. I took her in my arm and layed the jacket around her.
She smiled and took my hand.

Kajol: See it was not that hard.

Shahrukh: I am sorry madam. The cold stopped my brain from thinking.

Kajol: See. If you didnt wear that jacket you would have become stupide.

Shahrukh: Ehy. Why didnt you think?

Kajol: Because I am the one who always has to think!

Shahrukh: Thats not true. I am the master brain here.

Kajol: Shut up.

We started to laugh. Kajol was laughing like a kid. She is so cute. She the looked at me and smiled. She came closer and slapped my cheek. I glanced at her and she did they same. Then we both started laughing again.

Kajol: Shahrukh. Can I ask you something?

Shahrukh: Sure. Shoot.

Kajol: Why did you do this?

Shahrukh: Why did I do what?

Kajol: Today. Planned out the whole day.

Shahrukh: Because you've been really down lately. So I wanted to lighten up the mood.

Kajol: Awww. Thanks. Thats so chweet.

Shahrukh: Of course. Anything for my señorita.

Kajol: Thanks for letting me be your señorita.

Shahrukh: No one except you can be my señorita. Not even my family.

Kajol: You're flattering me.

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