Chapter 19

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Kajol: Wanna see her. Wait I will give her to you.

Shahrukh: Ok.

Kajol slowly lifted herself up and came into a sitting position. She then streched her hands out and took the baby out of the grib. She then slowly laid her in my arms. I looked at her cute face. She looked so beautiful. She had Kajols Skin color. She resembled Kajol a lot. But she didint look like Ajay at all.

Shahrukh: She is so beautiful. She looks like you but not just like you.

Kajol: Who does she look like?

Shahrukh: I dont know. But definitly not like Ajay.

Kajol: Look at her.

I looked at her and started to analize her face. She looked so different from Ajay. I tried to recogniye who she resembled. But I failed. I just couldnt identify.

Shahrukh: I dont know.  She looks so different. I cant identify.

Kajol: You still dont get it huun?

Shahrukh: What are you saying?

Kajol: She looks like you silly.

I was shocked. I looked back at her and started analizing her face again. She really did look like me. How is that possible. I am not even blood related to her. How could she look like me?

Shahrukh: How is that possible? I am not even her real uncle. How can she look like me?

Kajol: Oh god Shahrukh. You really are stupid.

Shahrukh: Why am I stupid? What do you mean?

Kajol: Are seriously so stupid?

Shahrukh: What? You are really confusing me. Why does she look like me?

Kajol: God. Of cource she looks like you. You are her father.

Shahrukh: What? I am he father? But I tought Ajay.

Kajol: No she is not Ajays. I havent slept with Ajay after Iceland or before.

Shahrukh: Oh my god. But we used protection. Right?

Kajol: We didnt.

Shahrukh: What?

Kajol: We were just so caught that none of us thought uf using protection.

Shahrukh: Oh my god. I dont know what to say. I am a father again but why didnt ajay come?

Kajols pov.

Flash back to 7 months ago..

I was feeling really bad. I vomited almost daily. At first I had fever so I thought its nothing and took normal tablets. Then the nausea didnt go away. I threw up every morning. So Ajay descided to take me to a doctor.
We then went to the hospital and the doctor checked me up and told us to wait because he will check the report.
Then he came back.

Doctor: So how long have you been vomiting?

Kajol: For a month? I think.

Doctor: Is your period on time?

Kajol: I think so. No I am late.

Doctor: Ok. Mam it looks like you are pregnant!

Ajay: But that cant be. We didnt have sex for few months.

Doctor: It just looks like that. I can check he clearly again.

Ajay: Ya do that.

Then the doctor checked me up and confirmed that I was pregnant.

Doctor: She is pregnant. I will let you talk.

Ajay: How did thid happen? Did you cheat on me?

Kajol: I uh. Yes I had sex with Kajol in Iceland.

Ajay: Are you serious? Why did I trust you? As soon as I knew that you both kissed I should have known. I should have got you home.

Kajol: I am sorry.

Ajay : But the thing is you tell me now. When you have told before I would maybe have forgiven you. I dont know if I can be with you.

Kajol: But Ajay.

Ajay: I have to go. Bye

Kajol: Ajay

Then he left and then he didnt come home for a few days. I was alone with the kids. He then just came home and told me that he is going to apply for divorce. The kids were sad. He then came back again after a few days.

Ajay: Kajol. We need to talk!

Kajol: Sure.

Ajay: I have an idea. If you do that maybe I will forgive you.

Kajol: Yes. I will do. Please tell me.

Ajay: Abortion.

Kajol: What?

Ajay: Yes abort the baby.

Kajol: What did that baby do? It was my fault.

Ajay: I dont care. Its not mine. Take it away or I will leave you forever.

Kajol: I cant do this Ajay. The baby did nothing. Although its Shahrukhs kid its also mine. I wont abort it.

Ajay: Then I am sorry for you. I am going to leave.

Kajol: Go. Do what ever you want. This baby will live.

Then he left and then he applied for divorce. Then after a week we got divorce. He wanted to have the kids. But the court allowed them to stay with me. Ajay can come and visit them whenever he wants and take thenmn out. But they will have to live with me. Yug didnt understad that much. He just thought that his dad was gone to office. Nysa was really sad at the beginnig. But then she supported me and helped me. Tanishaa almost came daily and helped me. Ajay came every weekend and took the kids out.


Shahrukhs pov

It hurt me. Ajay wanted to kill this innocent child. He wanted to kill my baby? I am really sorry for Kajol that she had go trough all of this. I wish I would have been mature. Suhanna was right.

Shahrukh: Why didnt you tell me as soon as you knew about the pregnancy?

Kajol: I called you remember? But you didnt want to listen to me.

Shahrukh: Oh god. I am so sorry for being so stubborn and sorry for everything you had to go through.

Kajol: Hey its okey. Let it be in the past. But are you happy about the baby?

Shahrukh: Of cource I am. And I wont deny that I am shocked. But she is my daughter. I am happy.

Kajol: Oh good. I was scared that you would tell to put the baby up on adoption.

Shahrukh: Of cource not. Only because she was not planned that doesnt change the fact that she is my daughter.

Kajol: Thank you so much.

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