Chapter 8

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The date part four

Kajol: What?

Shahrukh's pov

I hope she didnt hear it. I started to sutter and tried to get the words out of my mouth. But suddenly it started raining really hard. Kajol took our plates and ran inside.

Kajol's pov
I took our plates and ran inside. I put them on the counter top and looked outside. Shahrukh was being typical himself and started dancing in the rain. I started calling him out. But he just ignored me and danced. I looked through the cuppbords for a Umbrella. For my luck I found one at the door. I took it and ran really fast to Shahrukh. I held the Umbrella above us and I saw Shahrukh trying to go away from the umbrella. I kept following him. Was he crazy. He will get sick. Idiot.

Shahrukh realised that he couldnt get away from me and pulled the umbrella out of my hand. It flew away with the cold breeze. I shouted at him and was about to run inside. But he held my hand and made me stop.
He pulled me into his arms and looked deep into my eyes.

Shahrukh: Can I have this dance my lady?

Kajol: Yes.

He put one hand on my waist while holding my other stand. He started to move slowly. We were still looking at eachother without even trying to break it.

Shahrukh: Can I tell you something?

Kajol: Go ahead.

Shahrukh: I was thinking a lot those past days.

Kajol: What were you thinking about?

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Shahrukh: I..I.. forget it.

With that he looked into my eyes and took my hand. He put it on his heart and put his other hand on it as well. Then he put my hand on my heart (if you have watched kuch kuch hota hai. Remember at Anjali's marriage where rahul confessed his love).

My heart skipped a beat. Shahrukh wasnt kidding. His eyes were telling me that he was telling the truth. I turned around and was about to leave because my mind told me to leave but my heart told me to stay. But shahrukh held the end of my saree. I turned around and slowly went back to him. I put my hands on his chest which was beating really fast. He was definitly not lying. A sudden thunder sound. I pulled him closer to me. He wrapped his arms around me and we stayed like that for a few minutes. Until I realised that the rain decreased. I pulled back and look into his eyes. I put my right hand on his chest and the other one on is neck. We slowly came closer. Shahrukhs touched the bare skin of my hips. His touch was electricty to my skin. I never felt like this before. He came closer. I closed my eyes because I thought he was going to kiss me. But then I felt his warm breath on my neck. He then started kissing. When he kissed my sensual spot I let out a soft moan of pleassure. He realised it and I felt him smiling against the spot. He started to gently suck on it. I started to moan even louder. He then gave it a bite. It was really painful but the pleassure was even higher. He them started to kiss my jaw line ehich calmed me a bit. The spot was burning but it was pleassure. He then slowly moved his lips infront of mine. He smiled at me and smashed his lips on mine. I could see the love and lust in his eyes. He first kissed me really gentle and soft. But then he got rougher and passionate. I opened my mouth to take a small gasp but shahrukh used it and stuck his tongue in my mouth. Our tongues played with eachother and fighted for dominance. Thats when I realised that Shahrukh tasted like mint. I tasted the mint while Shahrukh dominated. I felt his hand on my lower back. He pushed the end of the saree to be able to touch me bare skin. Sharukh, I stuttered. He pulled me even closed. And took of the saree which was on shoulder. Now my blouse and tumny were exposed to him. In one snap he turned me around so that he was facing my back. He started kissing my shoulder. He put a strand of hair behind my ear and started kissing the nape of my neck. I closed my eyes and let out a soft moan. He then made me face him.

Shahrukh: Are you cold?

Kajol: Just a bit.

Shahrukh: Then lets go inside.

We then sat down on the sofa. I just shook my hair so it wasnt that wet anymore. Shahrukh went to the bathroom and got a towel. He sat behind me and started dry my hair with the towel and then cleaned up my face and neck. Then he started kissing my shoulder. He turned me around and gently carried me bride style to the bedroom. It was really warm. It felt so comfortable. He laid me down on the bed and climbed on top of me.

Shahrukh's pov.

I climber on top of her and looked in her eyes asking for aprovel. She nodded so I started kissing her passionatly again. Without breaking the kiss she unbuttoned my shirt.

Kajol: You're trained well Mr. Khan.

She then touched my abs and turned around. Now she was on top of me and she slowy trailed kisses from my neck to my chest to my abs. She stopped at my abs and sedicusivly kissed them and licked them. Then she kissed my lips again and bited my lower lip. Then I started to remove her saree without even breaking the kiss. We ripped of all clothes from our until we were just our under wear.

Kajol's pov

Shahrukh started rubbing his mandom against my opening. I could feel it errecting through our underwear. I let out a loud moan. Shahrukh broke the kiss and smirked.

Shahrukh: Are you sure you wanna do this?

Kajol: Yes.

Whithout lettig him talk I pulled him closer. We countinued the kiss. Shahrukh unclappsed my bra and threw it awy. He then massaged my breasts. I moaned and he broke the kiss and started kissing my neck then going lower and stopped. Without warning he started sucking and bitting on my nipple. I let out a loud moan which made Shahrukh happy. I pulled down his under wear and he mine. Without warning he entered me. I moaned non stop. His mandom was so big. It barely fitted into me. He started thursting really fast. I moaned really loud and Shahrukh thursted as fast as he could. I was about come but he stopped. He started kissing me gently and rubbed y entrance. Which made me moan. He then went in again and thursted. We were about to climax. My eyes rollod back. Shahrukh kissed my sensual spot and we climaxed. Shahrukh gently kissed my fore head and layed down next to me. He pulled me into his arms and we cuddeld under our blanket.

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