Chapter 17

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Gauri's pov.

Shahrukh is acting really weird the last months. At first I thought he is just having a bad phase. But now I am starting to get really. He is definitly hiding something. Also on New years eve.

Flash back...

Shahrukh was welcoming the guests. like he always did. He was really normal.

Shahrukh: Gauri. Come please.

Gauri: Yes one moment please.

Gauri: Ya.

Shahrukh: Dear guests. Give an applause for Gauri for organising this party.

Everyon clapped and I was happy. He wad being cute as usual.

Gauri: I love you.

Shahrukh: Me too. May I have a dance?

Gauri: Yes.

He put my hands on his shoulders and held my waist. He moved in sinc with the beat. He looked at me then down and then again at me.

Gauri: Are you ok?

Shahrukh: Ya. Why are you asking?

Gauri: You kind of look a bit sad.

Shahrukh: Nah. Everything is ok. I didnt sleep that well last night.

He definitly slept good last night. I was awake almost the whole night. He slept so peacefully. Why is he lying to me? I let him be and thought that maybe he was really tired.

Farah: Shahrukh. Can I have a dance with you?

Gauri: Go shahrukh.

Shahrukh: Ok. Sure.

With that Farah took Shahrukh and danced next to me. I was dancing with Karan. I could clearly hear what they were talking.

Farah: So Shahrukh. How are you?

Shahrukh: I am fine and you?

Farah. I am good.


Farah: Can I ask you something?

Shahrukh: Sure.

Farah: What is going on with Kajol? She is acting really weird. I visited her a couple of days ago.

Shahrukh: I dont know.

Farah: But Shahrukh. You're her friend. You must know.

Shahrukh: Like I said I dont know.

Farah: Shahrukh?

Shahrukh: Farah stop asking questions. Leave me alone.

Farah: But Shahrukh?

Shahrukh: This is the limit. I am going to my room. Tell everyone to leave me alone.

I have never seen him like that. He was acting extremly weird. I wish he could tell me what is going on. I think mayeb he just needs some time alone. But why did he start acting weird as soon as Farah mentioned Kajols name? Does it have something to do with her? I havent heard from her after Iceland. Generally Shahrukh would call her daily or text her. But none of that happend after Iceland.


A few weeks ago he was so happy again. And since Aryan came he is acting weird again. There is something. We have a dinner today. I will ask him. He has to give me an answer.

Shahrukhs pov.

Its the day. I am going to tell gauri everything. I am kind of happy that this misterious person is blackmailing me. Or else I would have hidden it from her forever. But at the same time I was angry at this person. I am really nervous as well. I dont know how Gauri will take it. She will obviously be angry and dissapointed. But I dont what happens after that. With the kids with my life. I called Aryan.

Aryan: Hello?

Shahrukh: Hey Aryan. Its me Dad.

Aryan: Oh hello Dad! Did you tell mom?

Shahrukh: Not yet. But I will today evening. But I wanted to ask you if you have found out who that guy is who called you!

Aryan: No Dad. But I have some clues.

Shahrukh: What? Tell me.

Aryan: It was definitly some one from Mumbai. It was traced in ther area....

Shahrukh: Thank God. I will find out who that guy is as soon as I tell mom.

Aryan: Ok Dad. I have to go.

Shahrukh: Ok son. Thanks a lot.

Aryan: No problem Dad. Bye

Shahrukh: Bye.

That was some good news. It took a lot of weight from my back. Now all I have to do is tell Gauri and then find out who that guy. Then I have to inform Kajol as well.

Later that evening. I was waiting in the restaurant for Gauri. She has a meeting with Karan. So she said she will meet me at the restaurant. I was so nervous. My heart raced. I am going to tell Gauri. I dont know how it will go. Gauri is generally a calm person. She deals with problems easily. But this is something different.

I saw Gauri coming. Just a few moments until I tell her everything. Gauri sat down.

Gauri: Hey love.

Shahrukh: Hey.

Gauri: How was your day?

Shahrukh: Nothing special. Just met some fans on the road today morning.

Gauri: Oh thats nice. They were probably happy to see you.

Shahrukh: Ya and how was your day?

Gauri: A bit stressful. Karan told me his plan about a new movie. We're still in planning. No decicions are made yet.

Shahrukh: Oh thats great.

Waitress: Madan and Sir. What would you like to order?

Gauri: I would like to have the special evening menu. Amd you?

Shahrukh: I would like to have the same.

Gauri got a call. So decided to let her talk. Maybe it was something important. So I waited.

Gauri: I am sorry but I am having a date with Shahrukh. I will call you tomorrow.

Gauri: Bye

Gauri: Sorry love. It was Karan. He told me that he had some ideas for the film.

Shahrukh: Oh thats ok.

Gauri: I wanted to ask you something.

Shahrukh: Go ahead.

Gauri: You've been acting really weird since Iceland trip.

Shahrukh: Ya. Thats what I wanted to talk to you as well.

Gauri: Ok go on.

Waiter: Here is your special evening menu Madam. And here sir.

Shahrukh: Thank you.

Gauri and I started eating the food. So I joined.

Gauri: The food is nice huun?

Sharukh: Ya. Really good.

Gauri: So you wanted to tell me why you were acting so weird

Shahrukh: Uhmmm. How should I start?

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