Chapter 26

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Kajols pov.

From then everything was so nice. 2 weeks later. I had the life which I wanted. Shahrukh and I are going to married tomorrow. Yug and Nysa were happy. Ajay married his secretary. Gauri is going to marry Karan soon. Everyone had the life they wanted. We also bought buy houses in the same are so the kids can spend equal time with their parents.

Shahrukh: Señorita.

Kajol: Ya.

Shahrukh: I can't wait anymore. Tomorrow you will become mine.

Kajol: And you mine.

Shahrukh: Now my beautiful soon to be wife. Can I kiss you?

Kajol: No Shahrukh. You have to wait until tomorrow. We're not supposed to do anything the night before marriage.

Shahrukh: Oh come on.

Kajol: No Shahrukh. I'm going to sleep with Nysa in her room.

Shahrukh: No I'm sorry.

Kajol: Nope. I'm gonna go to Nysa.

Shahrukh: Ya ok. Good night.

Kajol: Hey baby. Just kidding. Ofcource I'll sleep here but keep your hands of me.

Shahrukh: Ok.

Shahrukhs pov.

Then Kajol went to the balcony and looked out. I sighed in relief. Tomorrow I'll marry this beautiful women. Everyone got the life they wanted. Our kids were happy. Abram didn't understand much. He's still a baby. Just like Yug. I'm happy that Suhanna, Nysa and Aryan took it well. They supported us more than anyone else did. We're lucky to have such wonderful kids. Thanks God. Then there is Saira who is our kid together. She is just so beautiful. She looks a bit like Abram but also like Yug. Her face looked like mine. Kajols nose and eyes. Just cute. We have six kids. It's just Crazy.

Kajol: Shahrukh. Shooting star.

I looked at it and wished happiness for my whole family.

Next day marriage.

The marriage went succesfully. After that we had a small reception with our families and closest friends. There were just around 500 people. That's much but generally it would have been around 2000 people. But we wanted to make it simple but classy.
After the reception we had a marriage photo shooting. First it was our whole family. Then our kids and us. Yug and Abram were on my lap while Kajol had Saira on his lap. Suhanna and Aryan were standing behind us and Nysa next to me. Then just Shahrukh and me. They were just so romantic. Shahrukh kept whispering dirty things into my ear. I tried hard to show any reaction. We have a press meet after the photo shoot. I was so excited. We don't have to hide anything. Shahrukh and I went to a rooftop restaurant and one journalist was sitting there.

Journalist: Hello.

Kajol: Hello.

Shahrukh: Hello.

Journalist: Should I call you sir and mam or Shahrukh and Kajol?

Shahrukh: Just call us by our names and may I know your name?

Journalist: I'm Tania. So first question. Shahrukh you told us that you have an announcement to make.

Shahrukh: Ya. Gauri and I got divorce.

Tania: What is the reason?

Shahrukh: The reasons are personal. But all I can say is that we did it happily.

Tania: Ok. Does that mean Shahrukh Khan is single?

Shahrukh: No.

Tania: Does that mean you have a new women on your side?

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