Chapter 15

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Shahrukh's pov.

Kajol and I met up everyday for coffee. I was so happy to have her back in my life. But she seemed to have changed a lot. She was still crazy and cute. But those days she couldnt directly answer some of my questions. She hesitated a lot. It was like she was trying to tell me something but also hide it from me. But today Suhanna insisted to come with me. So I agreed.

I drove to Kajols house like usual and picked her up. She saw Suhanna and hugged her tightly. Both of them were so happy to see each other. We drove to the Cafe.

Kajol: So Suhanna. How are you?

Suhanna: I am fine. How are you both?

Kajol: Ya. We're good. How is your life going?

Suhanna: Good. School as usual. But I have holiday right now. So I am spending some quality time with Abram.

Kajol: Aww. That's sweet. How is mom?

Shahrukh: Gauri is fine. She just kept asking why you didnt talk to her.

Kajol: I am sorry. I uh.

Suhanna: No need to hide it. I know about everything that happend in Iceland.

Kajol: Wait what? Did dad tell you? Does your mom know?

Shahrukh: Suhanna found out that I was hiding something. So I explained her everything. But Gauri doesnt know dont worry.

Suhanna: I wont tell mom. Dont worry.

Kajol: I am so sorry Suhanns. I am sorry that I betrayed your mom.

Suhanna: Dont worry. It happend. We cant change amything about it.

Shahrukh: But you know. Suhanna always kept telling me how stupid I was. She tried to make me talk to you but I was being stubborn.

Kajol: Ya like you've always been. Its really sad how grown up our childern are and how childish we are.

Shahrukh: Ya Suhanna was always right. I should have to talked to you before.

Kajol: Hey its okay. Its in the past.

Suhanna: Kajol. Dad is right. He should have talked to you or atleast have talked to you when you called.

Shahrukh: Wait. How do you know?

Suhanna: I overheard your conversation. I know I shouldnt have but I went past your room and when I noticed its Kajol I stayed and listned. I am sorry.

Shahrukh: Its okay. But dont do it again or else...

Kajol: Oh shut Shahrukh. Let the kid be. She is a good girl. She wont do it. No need to tell her.

Suhanna: Hey thank you. But you know after dad met you he finally got his happiness back.

Kajol: What? Shahrukh werent you happy?

Shahrukh: Uhh. It wasnt the same withouth hearing your blabbering.

Kajol: Hey.

Shahrukh: Hey

Suhanna: Oh guys. You havent even  changed a bit. Still being stupid kids.

Srk&Kajol: Hey.

We all started laughing. It felt so good to actually laugh again. My driver then came and brought suhanna to her friends house. Kajol and I went to her house and spent the day together. We are so happy to spend some time together. But we still werent the same like before. We laughed together and stuff but there was still something weird about it.

Kajol: Shahrukh. Wanna watch Kuch kuch?

Shahrukh: Oh my god yes. It has been a long time since I watched a movie.

Kajol: Ok. The tv remote is on the table.

Shahrukh: Ok I will get it.

I got the remote and I sat down next to her. I played the movies. I tried to concentrate on the movie but I was too distracted by Kajol. I kept looking at her but as soon as she realised I looked back at the tv. The movie went by and now my gaze was fixed on the tv. Suddenly I saw Kajol's eyes were tearing up.

Shahrukh: Hey. What is going on?

Kajol: Just getting back some memories.

I was to scared to take her in my arms. So I just took her hand. She held it tightly and looked at me. But then her gaze moved back to the screen. So I looked at the tv as well. It was the scene were Ms. Briganza asked me to explain love. It was so weird to see that scene. In the movie I actually ment Tina/Rani but at that time I had a small crush on Kajol. So I actually ment it to her. At that point of time we were just good friends not best friends. But that dialougue is something that I really think. Gauri used to be my best friend or else I wouldnt have married her. But then Kajol came into my life. At first she kind of hated me. Generally girls i work with are really kind to me because I am the Shahrukh khan. But it didnt even bother her a bit. She just started shouting at me the first time we met because I was late. I liked it. She was so bold but cute at the same time. She is just so childish and mature at the same time.

Then I looked at the tv and saw the scene where Kajol and I were in the rain and I tell her that I love tina. She cried even harder this time. It broke my heart to see her crying. I always hated it when she cried. She tried to avoid looking at me. I went to the kitchen and got her a glass of water. She drank it and focused on the tv. I looked at the tv and it was the scene where she left home. I looked at her and saw her cry again. I offed the tv.

I knees down in front of her and looked into her eyes. She looked at me with dissapoinment and sadness.

Shahrukh: Whats going on?

Kajol: Nothing.

Shahrukh: Dont lie. Tell me.

Kajol: This is the exact same thing that happend in Iceland. Just even worse.

Shahrukh: I am sorry.

Kajol: I dont need your sorry.

She stood up and started walking to the glass door for her garden. She looked out and rested her head on the door. I went next to her and stood there.

Shahrukh: Kajol?

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