Chapter 14

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Shahrukhs pov.

Severel months have passed and I managed to come back to my old routine. I didnt hear anything from Kajol since the time she called. I stopped pretending to hate her. I just ignored her. Suhanna was  disappointed in me. She keeps telling me that I am stupid. Maybe to everyone else I seem like the old Shahrukh but only Suhanna could understand me. She even knew me better than I do. I wish I could stop being so stubborn an go talk to Kajol but as I said I kind of managed to push it aside. Gauri was happy.

It was a normal morning. I went for a run. Suhanna would usually join me but she didnt want to because she wasnt feeling well. So I just started running on my own. Then I stopped running and walked down the street while I was looking at my phone. Then suddenly I bumped into a lady who was pregnant. But for gods grace I catched her in the right moment. Or else she would have felt. Then I saw that the wome was Kajol. Wait she is pregnant. When did this happen? She shyly blushed and tried to form a smile on her lips.

Shahrukh: Hey.

Kajol: Uh hey.

Shahrukh: How are you?

Kajol: I am fine. You?

Shahrukh: Ya me too.

Kajol: You have become fitter.

Shahrukh: Ya. I've been training a lot lately. And you look different as well

Kajol: Ya a baby is growing inside me.

Shahrukh: I can see that. Congrats.

Kajol: Thank you. How is my baby Abram doing, I mean how is Abram doing?

Shahrukh: He is good. He also asked for you.

Kajol: Oh really? Is he talking a lot?

Shahrukh: Ya. He is just not shutting his mouth. He is not perfect at talkimg but he tries to form sentences.

Kajol: Dont talk like taht about him. And thats great. The last time I saw he just talked a few words. Do you have a photo? Its been a long time!

Shahrukh: Ya he improved a lot. Ya I have a photo.

Kajol: Oh my god. He is such a cutie just like his father.

She blushed shyly again. It was a bit awkward talking to eachother after so many months. She was still the same. Just carrying a baby in her. She was so beautiful. She looked into my eyes and smiled. We stood there like that for a few moments.

Shahrukh: So want to grab a coffee.

Kajol: Ya but I have a doctor appoinment later.

Shahrukh: Sure. Will make it fast.

Kajol's pov.

He wanted to call his driver but I wanted to walk. It was not that far so a walk while pregnancy is good. He carefully held my arm. He was so cute. It was so weird to see him after so many months. All my sadness and fear were gone after seeing him. We went to the cafe and he was so overprotective and carefull because I was pregnant.

Shahrukh: So is it a he or she?

Kajol: I dont know. I want it to be a surprise.

Shahrukh: Oh. How many months is it?

Kajol: Just one.

Shahrukh: Are you serious. And you walk alone in city like mumbai alove and pregnant?

Kajol: I am doing it daily and my body guard alwas comes with me but today he couldnt come.

Shahrukh: You could have stayed at home. What would have happened if someone kidnapped or did something?

Kajol: It wont happen. God is with me. All that matters is my babys life. I would even...

Shahrukh: Shh. Dont finish the sentence. I wont let anything like that happen!

Kajol: What?

Shahrukh: Nothing. Come on lets go you have to go to the appoinment. I will tell my driver to drop you.

Kajol: Its ok. I can walk.

Shahrukh: No Kajol. End of discussion.

I wish it could be like in old days. He was still being overprotective. I really liked it. I hope he is happy. I dont want to bother him. Gauri us a great women. She is just so big hearted. They deserve happiness.

Shahrukh: Come the car is here. Want me to come with you.

Kajol: Thanks. It okay.

Shahrukh: Ok take care.

Kajol: You too.

Shahrukh: And little baby. Dont trouble your mommy to much. Be a good girl.

Kajol: Girl?

Shahrukh: Ya. I have the feeling.

Kajol: I think its a boy.

Shahrukh: No its a girl. I bet with you.

Kajol: I am always right. Lets see.

Shahrukh: Lets see.

Kajol: Ok bye.

Shahrukh: Bye.

Shahrukhs pov.

I started to run back home. Kajol seemed so different. I couldnt read her like I always did. She was definitly hiding something. But lets see. I will call her after the appoinment. Finally my stubbornness was gone. I went home and saw Suhanna watching tv.

Suhannas pov.

Dad face lightend up. He seemed so happy after a long time. He looked good. Like something happend that changed his life. He gave me a hug and sat down next to me. Something was definitly going on.

Suhanna: Dad. You seem happy. Did something happen?

Shahrukh: Ya. I met Kajol after a long time.

Suhanna: Oh my god. Really? How is she?

Shahrukh: Yes. She is fine. And wanna know the news?

Suhanna: What news? Tell me.

Shahrukh: She is pregnant.

Suhanna: Oh god. I am really happy for her. How many months?

Shahrukh: She said she just had one more month.

Suhanna: Yeay. Is it a girl or a boy?

Shahrukh: She doesnt know. She wants it to be a surprise.

Suhanna: Oh ok. Is Ajay uncle happy about the baby?

Shahrukh: Ya. Ajay.

Dad left. I shouldnt have asked about it. He was so happy just a moment ago and I ruined it. I am sorry dad. But still the main thing is that they finally met and talked to eachother. Maybe Dad will get his happiness back forever. I think I should meet Kajol soon.

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