Chapter 13

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Shahrukh's pov

Gauri and I got into the car and drove home. She then took my hand and pulled me into the bedroom with her.

Gauri: Wait jere baby. I will just freshen up.

I nodded and didnt know what to do . Did I really wnat it and or not. She is my wife of cource I want. And after all it was love marriage. So I will do it. But no I cant do it. I still like Kajol. Oh my God. What should I do? I have it. I will just drink some alcohol. It will lightes up my mood. And my heart wont be able to control my whole life. Then I remembered that I promised Kajol that I wont drink. Just on dates and events. I cant drink. I cant break th promise. Of cource I can. She is not even my friend anymore. So yes I will drink. I ran into the kitchen and drank as many glasses as I could bare. Then I was really drunk. All I could do was go up to the bedroom. I was about to fall asleep when Gauri enterd the room. She was wearing her sexy night gown. She pushed me on the bed and kissed me. After that I couldnt concentrate. I couldnt even understand what was happening. But all I knew was that we were doing dirty things.

The next morning I woke up with severe head ache. I drank way to much last night. I saw gauri next to me who was sleeping peacefully. I triey to recap the memory from last night. All I could remember was drinking alcohol and after that I didnt kniw what happend.

Gauri: You're awake. Good morning love.

Shahrukh: Good morning. What happend last night?

Gauri: Oh you dont remember?

Shahrukh: No. All I remember is drinking.

Gauri: Oh you've been a naughty boy.

Shahrukh: What did I do?

Gauri: You were really in the mood. I begged you to stop but you just didnt want to stop making love.

Shahrukh: Oh my. I am sorry if I hurt you?

Gauri: No its okey. I loved it.

Shahrukh: Uhh yea.

Gauri: I know what you're trying to ask. We used protection.

Shahrukh: Oh good. I dont need another good.

Gauri: Me neither.

Gauri gave me a kiss and left the room. For my luck we used protection. I dont need another kid. But I was a glad that I didnt remember last night. Because then I would have gone crazy. I hope I didn't blabber out anything about Kajol.  Suddenly my phone started ringing. I answered.

Shahrukh: Hello?

Kajol: Shahrukh. Its me Kajol.

Shahrukh: Kajol?

Kajol: Shahrukh we must to talk.

Shahrukh: We dont need to do anything.

Kajol: But its...

Shahrukh: Everything is done. There is nothing to talk. We cant talk. Go and live your life and stop calling me.

Kajol: You know what? Go to hell. You're stupid.

She hung up the phone. I was so sorry for doing this. Why didnt I let her talk. Maybe it was important. What if something happend to her. Nah. I am just overreacting. She is probably living a wonderful life. She just called to tell me how happy she was. What was she thinking? Who gave her the rights to call me. If I say its over then it is over. Who does she think she is? I am not going to hell. I will go where ever I want. And you're stupid Kajol for thinking that I would ever talk to her again. I hate you.

Kajol's pov

What the hell is wrong with him? Why did he end the friendship? It was just one night. And he is being stupid. He is being to dramatic. He is so childish. Oh Shahrukh. One day you will want to talk to me. Who am kidding? He is probably extremly happy that I am gone. Whenever he finds someone better he throws me away like rubbish. In Kuch kuch hota hai when he first met Rani. All he did was praicing Rani and saying how great she was, how she lights up the whole set. He started making fun of everything I did. Why didnt I realise it before? I've been so stupid. But all I did was being nice to him. I even fought with ajay many times just to support Shahrukh. That thankless peace of shit. I wish I never loved you and bever do. I still love him. My stupid heart couldn't get away from him. The only person who has always been loyal and true to me was Nysa. Allthough she is so young she is just so  mature. Even more than me. I am so thankful to god that he gave me her. She is just a present to me. If she wasnt a part of my life I would have ended up in the mental hospital.

Suhanna's pov

I just listed to dad's and Kajol's conversation. Why is he being so stubborn? Kajol finally made a step and tried to talk to him although it has to be dad who should have called her. I am sure she would have forgiven him. But all he did was shouting at her. Dad is being so childish and stupid. And he slept with mom while he loved another women. He is just not fair. Poor mom and Kajol. I wish you could come to your sences but I am nit sure if it's hoing to be usefull anymore. I think I should talk to him. But no he will be stubborn and always say the same thing. I wish he could understand that know one is going to be happy when he keeps making those stupid descicions.

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