Chapter 5

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The date part one...

Kajol's pov

The shooting is going well. We just have a few more scenes to shool. We will just be staying another week. This place is so beautiful. I wish I could live here. But thats a thing that I felt about almost every location. Each one was special in it's own way. Today was a free day. Shahrukh told me yesterday night that he planned out the whole day for the two of us. I was excited about it because Shahrukh always had the best surprises.

I descided to wear a red saree. I just love red sarees. I always feel comfortable in them and I thought that the colour fitted to my skin color. Thats what Shahrukh said too. But Ajay always said that he liked green on me. I liked green a lot too but it wasn't as special as red. I always found that I looked fat in green but Ajay always found it sexy. Ajay definitely has a different taste than me.

I heard a knock at my door and saw shahrukh waiting for me. He was wearing a black almost see through shirt with grey jeans. We weren't even wearing the same colour but we looked fitted to eachother in some way. He smirked at me with a devilish grinn which made me blush. But before anything happed he cleared his trought and gently took my hand and gave it a kiss. It was so cute and funny at the same time to see him this gentle.

Srk: Señorita. Are you ready?

Kajol: Ofcource Silly.

Srk: Can't you be serious for one time?

Kajol: No. Then I wouldn't feel like myself.

Srk: Oh really? Whatever.

Kajol: Shut up. It's not handsome to be an assehole.

Srk: But you look even more handsome with your mustache.

Kajol: Was that a joke?

Srk: What if it was?

Kajol: I don't like jokes.

Srk: I don't like you.

Shahrukhs pov.

We started laughing like idiot. Her laugh was so cute. Her eyes started tearing up from all the laughing. Her laughter filled the room and it made me smile. She is just so cute like a child but she can be extremly sexy too. The red saree perfectly fitted onto her curves. You could see her tummy through the saree. I just wanted pull her closer to me and give her a hot kiss. The fuck Shahrukh. Control yourself idiot. Hell no it cant happen again.

Srk: Ok now stopp laughing.
We are going to a cinema.

Kajol: Omg it's been a long time since I watched a movie in theatre. What movie is it?

Srk: Surprise. Now come before I have to carry you.

Kajol: Chii no never. Lets go.

We drove with a car to a small cinema which I just rented for us. I know that she is scared of ghosts so I descided to take her to horror movie just to start with something funny. I know she will kill me but I love to tease her.

We arrived at the cinema and I offerd her my hand and she took it. I leaded and she followed. She seemed to be happy and excited. Least did she know what was waiting for her. ;)

Kajol: Omg its so cute. But where are the other people?

Srk: I rented this place for us to make it even better.

Kajol: Why is better?

Srk: Because..Just sit down and you will get to know soon.

Kajol: Whatever.

She rolled her eyes and sat down on a couch. The movies started after I snapped my finger. Kajol eagerly started watching the movie. Until the scene came. A ghost appearrd out of no where and smiled. I could see her getting terrified. Plan succeed.

Kajol: Why...why did..why did you bring me to a horror movie?

Shahrukh: Cause I know you love them.

Kajol: Shut up.

The thing is she hates horror movies but she never leaves in the middle of the movie because she is too stubborn. I suddenly felt her hand gripping mine tightly. With the time she moved closer and closer. She started to sweat and breathed heavily. I rested my arm around her shoulder. Her hand that touched my chest. She started to nervously play with the button of my shirt. Unconciously she unbuttoned my whole shit. while watching the movie. I dont even how she managed to do that. The fuck. Whatever. I started to sweat. My heart pumped. Her hand touched my bare chest. My whole body shaked. I just looked at her until she realised what she was doing. She looked at me still having her hand on my chest. We were lost in eachothers eyes. She started to come closer until we were interrupted by a loud shouting. We looked at the movie again. I looked like a mess. But she on the other hand looked perfectly alright except the bit of sweat on her forehead. I buttoned up my shirt and tried to not look at her. I have never felt so nervous.

Kajol's pov

What did I do? How is it even possible to unbutton a shirt by mistake. I'm crazy. Also I was the one who was about to kiss him. Something is seriously wrong with me. Shahrukh looks really nervous amd he is sweating too. I realised that I was holding his hand again which was shaking. I let go of it and moved a little bit away from him. He nervously tapped with his leg. Poor guy. I was extremly scared of the movie. I just wanted to hug him but I coudn't. It would be really weird after what I just did. I just digged my nails into the couch. After the movie was done we both went out without looking at eachother. We just stood there avoiding eachothers gaze. We stood there in silence. Until Shahrukh finally broke the silence.

Srk: was the movie?

Kajol: Good.

Srk: The movie or my chest.

Kajol: Oh shut up silly. Your chest just felt like gum.

Srk: Oh really? Then why didnt you remove your hand immidiatly.

Kajol: Really? Just shut up.

Shahrukh: Haha. I am sorry. Just wanted to lighten up the mood. So ready for the next place?

Kajol: Of cource. But how many places do we have to go?

Shahrukh:2 or 3. I don't know.

Kajol: Really? You dont even know? You're so well organised.

Shahrukh: Oh really. Now stop talking and come.

Kajol: Ya. Ya. Whatever

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