Chapter 18

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Gauri: So you wanted to tell me why you were acting so weird.

Shahrukh: How should I start? Mmh

Gauri: Please tell. You are worrying me.

Shahrukh: I.. I sl..

Shahrukhs pov.

But then my phone rang.

Shahrukh: Gauri one second. I will be back.

Gauri: Ya ok.

I went to the bathroom and answered the phone.

Shahrukh: Hello?

Tanishaa: Shahrukh its me Tanishaa.

Shahrukh: Hey tanishaa. What's up?

Tanishaa: Shahrukh please come to the hospital.....

Shahrukh: To the hospital. What is going on?

Tanishaa: Kajols water just broke. Please come.

Shahrukh: What? Ajay is there right?

Tanishaa: Uh no. He uhh couldnt come.

Shahrukh: What? He is her husband.

Tanishaa: I know Shahrukh. But please come fast.

Shahrukh: Ya. I will come. Bye

Tanishaa: Bye. Come fast.

I ran back to Gauri.

Shahrukh: Sorry gauri. I have to go its important.

Gauri: But.

Shahrukh: Sorry. We will talk later.

I started to panick. I took my car and started drinving. How could Ajay leave her alone? His wife is giving birth to his child. Doesnt he care about them? Whatever important thing he has to do he should have been by her side.

I hope Kajol is alright. Wait for me. I will be by your side. I wont leave you alone. You were never just my best friend. You are family.

I ran to the reception and asked them for Kajols room. I ran there and saw Tanishaa standing at the door.

Shahrukh: How is she?

Tanishaa: Not good. They said that the
umbilical cord is around the babys neck.

Shahrukh: What: Oh my god. Can I go in?

Tanishaa: Ya.

I went into the room and saw Kajol crying in pain. She didnt even notice me coming in. I went next to her and held her hand.

Kajol: Shahrukh?

Shahrukh: Hey dont worry. I am hear.

Doctor: Who are you?

Shahrukh: I am her friend.

Doctor: Ma'm is it ok if he stays?

Kajol: Yes. I need him.

Doctor: Mam you have to start pushing. We have to get the baby out. Fast.

Shahrukh: Kajol. Push. I am with yoo. I not going to let anything happen to you and the baby.

Doctor: Mam. Push now.

Kajol: Aaaaah.

Doctor: Mam. Push harder. We have to get the baby out.

Shahrukh: Kajol hold my hand and push tightly. I am with you.

Kajol: Ahhhh.

Doctor: You have to push harder. Its too weak.

Shahrukh: Kajol. Please you have to push.

Kajol: I cant. It pains a lot.

Shahrukh: Pleas Kajol. Do it for the baby.

Doctor: Mam keep pushing.

Kajol. Ahhhhh. Shahrukhhhh.

Shahrukh: Kajol. Kajol? Doctor?

Doctor: She is getting tired and unconcious. If she doesnt wake up and push we have to do C-section.

Shahrukh: Kajol. Wake up. You have to push. We are almost done. Kajol.

Kajol: Shahrukh?

Shahrukh: Please push Kajol.

Doctor: Mam. One last push. Push

Kajol: Ahhhhhhhhh.

Shahrukh:  Love. You were great.

Then Kajol went unconcious. She was so tough. I can never understand how women can bare this pain. It is painful enough to see it. But I am happy the baby is out. Then the baby cried really loud.

Doctor: Sir. She has a baby girl.

Shahrukh: Thanks doctor. Can I have her?

Doctor: No sir. We have to clean the baby and check her.

Shahrukh: Ok sir.

Doctor: Can you please go out. She needs rest.

Shahrukh: Of cource.

I went out and cried in happiness. She did it. And the baby is normal. I am an uncle again. I am so proud of you Kajol.

Tanishaa: How are they?

Shahrukh: They are good. They did it.

Tanishaa: I am happy. I am aunt for the third time!

Shahrukh: Me too. An uncle.

Tanishaa: Uhhm ya. Is it a boy or girl?

Shahrukh: A sweetie. I want to see her beautiful face.

Tanishaa: You havent seen her?

Shahrukh: No. The doctor said that they have to clean her up and check her.

Tanishaa: Oh ok. I wish I could stay here and see them but I have a flight to catch.

Shahrukh: Oh come on. You can stay a bit longer and see them.

Tanishaa: I wish I could but I have to go.

Shahrukh: Should I ask the doctor if you can just go in and see them. I can wait.

Tanishaa: Oh that would be nice.

So I convinced the doctor to let Tanishaa see them. The doctor seemed really annoyed but she is her sister. So she has the rights.

Tanishaa: Thanks Shahrukh. Take care of them.

Shahrukh: Ok I will. Can I ask something?

Tanishaa: I am sorry Shahrukh but I really have to go. Bye

Shahrukh: Ok bye.

I waited there for one hour. I couldnt wait to see the baby and kajol of cource. She must be really exhauseted. I bet that the baby looks just like her. I guess she is just like her mother. But what wondered me is that Ajay still didnt show up. Where is he? Something is wrong.

Doctor: Sir. You may go and see them.

Shahrukh: Thank you doctor. And also thank you for being there for Kajol.

Doctor: No need to thank me. It is and will be my duty. Now go inside.

Shahrukh: Thank you.

I walked inside. I was kind of really nervous to see the baby and Kajol. The baby was in the crib. I couldnt see her face. All I could see was that the baby was sleeping. Kajol was looking around and touching her stomach.

Shahrukh: Kajol?

Kajol: Shahrukh! Thank you for being there with me.

Shahrukh: It was my pleassure to help you.

Kajol: Are you nervous?

Shahrukh: Just a bit. I havent seen her yet.

Kajol: Wanna see her. Wait I will give her to you.

Shahrukh: Ok.

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