Chapter 24

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I decided to propose to Kajol. I did love her from the bottom of my heart. Tanishaa helped me to prepare everything. I wanted it to be as special as possible. After all its Kajol. The most beautiful and sweet women. I am so nervous. It has been longer than two months since I divorced Gauri. Kajol doesn't know that Gauri  and I ended everything.

I knocked at Kajols door. It took her while to open. When she opened. She was in some random clothes. She told me to come in and both of us sat on the sofa.

Shahrukh: Kajol. We are going away for a few days.

Kajol: Really? When? Where?

Shahrukh: Yes. We are going now and I am not going to tell you were. Just wait a bit.

Kajol: Now? But I have to pack. How?

Tanishaa: Hey dont worry. I packed everything.

Kajol: Wait? You knew and you didnt tell me?

Tanishaa: Shahrukh wanted to surprise you.

Kajol: Oh god. Shahrukh.

Shahrukh: No need to discuss. Just get ready. You have 20 minutes.

Kajol: Wait one more thing. Its a bit to cold for the baby in swiss.

Shahrukh: The baby is staying here. Your mom is coming.

Kajol: No shahrukh. I am not leaving the baby alone here.

Shahrukh: I knew you would say that. Tanishaa is coming as well so she will take care of the baby in swiss.

Kajol: Oh god. We are going to swiss? Oh my god. Yessss.

Shahrukh: Ya.Now get ready. Your time is running out.

Kajol: Ok. Dont stress me.

Kajols pov.

What the hell is he thinking. We are going to swiss and he is telling me now. Ah I love his surprises but he should have informed me earlier. I just wore a comfortable leggings and shirt. I combed my hair and let the fall natural. I decided to go make up free. Although if I wanted to I dont have enough time. Nysa and Yug are staying at Ajays new house for 2 weeks. He was gone for the last few weeks so he couldnt visit them. So he asked me if he can take them for two weeks. I agreed and Tanishaa told me that she is coming for a few weeks. I really miss Yug and Nysa. My babys. I feel like I am not giving them enough attention since the baby was born.

Shahrukh: Kajol. Come down. We have to go.

Kajol: Ya coming.

He is pressuring me way to much. A lady needs time. I went down and shahrukh. I ran down. Shahrukh was having the baby in his hand while  Tanishaa waited in the car. We got into car and drove to the airport. We had to go to the through the VIP entrance. But Tanishaa had the baby in her hand because we didn't want to
Tell anyone for now because Gauri and Shahrukh are together and this would ruin everything between them. Shahrukh told me that they talked out everything. Gauri accepted the baby. She even called me a few times and asked how we are and if she could help. It was so nice of her. It was boarding time. This is the first time the baby, Shahrukh and I go out together. It was almost impossible to escape those paparazzos but we did it.
The flight was pretty long. But as soon as the baby fell asleep I fell asleep.

Shahrukhs pov.

It's so cute how both of the sleep. I may sound like a stalker but I want to look at them forever. It's just so adorable how cute and similar both of them sleep. I sighed. Soon this beautiful women next to me will be mine and of cource the baby's as well. I can't wait. I tried to sleep but it was impossible to sleep when you have the chance to watch one of the world's
most beautiful creatures. But after some time I managed to fall asleep. After a long sleep we reached the airport. Here it was way easier to escape the paparazzos. As soon as we got out of the airport Suhanna called me.

Shahrukh: Hey princess.

Suhanna: Hey Dad.

Shahrukh: How are you?

Suhanna: I am fine. How are you?

Shahrukh: Good. But nervous.

Suhanna: Oh dad. How is it going?

Shahrukh: Just as we planned.

Suhanna: How did Kajol react when she knew that you're going to Swiss.

Shahrukh: She was so in hectic. I went to her house half an out before we had to leave.

Suhanna: Oh Dad. Poor Kajol. She just gave birth to the baby a few months ago. No need to stress her.

Shahrukh: I know I am sorry. I just slept too much.

Suhanna: As usual. Did you finally give the baby a name?

Shahrukh: No. A lot was going on since she was born. So we didn't have the time. But this Swiss trip is the perfect time to name her.

Suhanna: God. But please name her soon. It's just so weird to call her baby the whole time.

Shahrukh: Ok got to go. Kajol is coming.

Suhanna: Ok Dad. Have fun and good luck.

Shahrukh: Thanks princess. Bye.

Suhanna: Bye Dad.

Kajol: What is taking you so long?

Shahrukh: Sorry. I was talking with Suhanna.

Kajol: Oh ok. Sorry. But you could have called me. I wanted to thank her.

Shahrukh: I know. You can talk to her when we go back.

Kajol: Ok.

Shahrukh: Come let's go to the hotel.

Kajol: Ok wait a second.

Kajol kissed my cheek and went into the car. Oh God. It's so adorable. I love her. I can't wait to make her mine. We drove to the hotel and Tanishaa went into her room while I took Kajol and the baby into the other room.

Kajol: Are we gonna share a room?

Shahrukh: Ya. But if you don't want you can share a room with Tanishaa.

Kajol: No. It's ok.

Shahrukh: Do you like the room?

Kajol: Ya. But I am really hungry. I know it's 10 p.m. but still I am hungry.

Shahrukh: Hey it's ok. I can order something. What do you want?

Kajol: I want something Indian. I think I want dosa.

Shahrukh: I don't think the hotel has dosa. But I know that there is an Indian hotel not too far.

Kajol: Oh that's nice.

Shahrukh: Ok I will tell my driver to get.

Kajol: Ok thanks. I will just go to Tanishaas room. Call me when the food is there.

Shahrukh: You know you can stay here with me. Am I bothering you?

Kajol: No not at all. I just wanted to feed the baby.

Shahrukh: You can do it here. Does it make you feel uncomfortable when I am there.

Kajol: Never. You're my best friend and the father of our baby. Of cource not. It's just that it still feels weird to feed her in front of you. I have it done a few times but still. And Tanishaa saw me feeding Nysa and Yug a lot of times.

Shahrukh: Hey it's ok. Take your time.  I know it's weird to have a baby together. You and me.

Kajol: Ya. Like you were my friend. Now suddenly we have a baby together.

Shahrukh: Ya. But soon I promise you. It's gonna be ok.

Kajol: Of course. Call me when the food is there.

Shahrukh: Sure.

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