Chapter 23

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Shahrukhs pov.

A few days passed. Gauri is coming back today. She called today morning. I am nervous to see her. She is probably still pissed. I was prepared to hear everything. I did a mistake. She has every right to shout.

After some time she came home. She told me that she was tired so she was going to sleep an hour. So I prepared dinner for the kids and gauri. Gauri came to us and she ate with us normally. After dinner.

Gauri: Ok kids. Go to your rooms. Shahrukh stay here.

Suhanna: Ok mom. Good luck dad.

Shahrukh: Thanks. So tell me.

Gauri: So. I have been thinking a lot for the past few days and I have decided to tell you the truth.

Shahrukh: What truth?

Gauri: So you know. Karan suggested you to take Kajol on a date right?

Shahrukh: Ya. What does that have to do with my mistake?

Gauri: The mistake was actually planned.

Shahrukh: How?

Gauri: So Karan and I added some love potion into that wine.

Shahrukh: Why the hell would you do that?

Gauri: Because I was actually the one who cheated on you first.

Shahrukh: What? Are you kidding me? With whom?

Gauri: With Karan.

Shahrukh: You liar. I cant believe it.

Gauri: I am sorry ok. I kind of fell for Karan. We did ot behind your back for a few months. But then Karan came up with the idea to make you cheat. So I would seperate from you and Karan would pretend to support me and we could get together.

Flash back.

Gauris pov.

Karan and I were planning some thing for his new movie. It was one friday evening. Karan and I discussed a lot of stuff. Troughout the evening we got closer and closer. But later we decided to keep distance. Karan was a single man but I am married to lovely guy.

Karan: Gauri. You do look really good in that dress.

Gauri: Thanks. You as well.

Karan: I am sorry I cant hold it anymore.

It all started with a pationate kiss but then we ended up in bed. I was so dissapointed in myself that I decided to hide it from Shahrukh and stay professional with Karan. But every time we couldnt keep our hands to ourselves. One night leaded to months.One day Karan confessed his love. I was so confused. I still lived Shahrukh but Karan a bit more. Then Karan came up with the idea. I couldnt think of any other was so I agreed.

Shahrukhs pov.

Shahrukh: Oh my god. What kind of person are you. For months? I cant believe it. Now I understand why you acted so distant before I left to Iceland. But with karan. He was a really good friend. I never thought he would do this. I trusted him. I trusted you even more.

Gauri: I am sorry ok. We didnt know how else we could do that. So karan came up with that idea.

Shahrukh: Oh god. I dont know what to do. Can you leave me alone for some time please. I have to think.

Gauri: Sure. I am sorry.

Gauri left. I went out for a jog to clear out my mind. It was already dark. I went to my favorite thinking spot. The roof top of a 23 floored building. The view was so nice amd peaceful. I stood there and side.

I couldnt believe it. Gauri planned everything. She cheated on me with Karan. With Karan. One of my best friends. I thought Kajol and me did it with actual love. But I also loved her before drinking that wine. I still do love her but the thimg that stopped me was gauri. This isy chance. Gauri like Karan. She can have him. If she is really happy with him then I am not going to stand in their way. And I do love Kajol really a lot. I think divorce is the best solution. Its obviously sad for the kids but Suhanna and Aryan already know about the night and Suhanna told me to accept the love with Kajol. So its only Abram. But he is still a baby. So he wont understand anything. Nysa and Yug live with Kajol. And Kajol already divorced. I ran back home and saw gauri on the sofa who was nervously tapping her leg.

Gauri: Shahruk?

Shahrukh: Gauri. I have thought about us.

Gauri: What do you want to do? I  will aceept whatever you decide. If you want me to live with you I will happily do that if you want me to go then I will go to Karan.

Shahrukh: Funny hiw you stressed on the word Karan. I think I dont want to stay between your love. You really love him huun?

Gauri: Sorry. I do. But dont forget that you were and will be my first love.

Shahrukh: Me too. I think the solution is divorce.

Gauri: Ok. I am just so sorry.

Shahrukh: It ok. Both of us did a mistake.

Gauri: Thank you. Friends?

Shahrukh: Friends. Come give me a hug.

I was really relieved. We both were going to seperate happily. She will still be an imortant person to me. We called our lawyer and told him about the divorce. He gave us an appoinment for next week. Then everything will end. All the problems.

One week later. Gauri and I got divorced. Suhanna will be going to live with me. Aryan studys in London so its not going to be a problem for now. Abram is going to live with Gauri. We were actually happy with desicion. We decided to meet up twice a week. Because the kids should grow up together with their parents allthough they dont live together.

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