Chapter 9

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Shahrukh's pov

I slowly opened my eyes and saw kajol who wad laying down next to me and looking at. Then the memories from last night came back and realised that we made love. She looked at me with  confused eyes. I tried to figur out what she was thinking. Was she regretting last night or was she happy about it? Me myself didn't regret it partly but also did. But we did it with our own will. I felt confused too.

Kajol: Shahrukh?

Shahrukh: Ya?

Kajol: Are you regretting last night?

Shahrukh: I don't know. Somewhere I am regretting but also not. I am  happy about it but what about you?

Kajol: Kind of same. But what about our families? Ajay will kill me. Nysa wouldn't forgive me again. This time I slept with someone who was not her father. Who is somebody she respected and loved a lot. I don't want them to hate me and especially not you.

Shahrukh: I don't know what to say. Ajay doesn't like me that much. So he will break our friendship and contact. And Gauri. Her and I are not in such good terms right know and it will become even worse.

Kajol: Oh it's so complicated. We could let it be and forget the night but my mind won't erease it. And I will have to feel guilty the whole time.

Shahrukh: Yes. I think we should tell our families. If you want we can do it together.

Kajol: I don't know. I can't tell Ajay. He already got really angry because I kissed. Nysa said that he is slowly calming down. When I tell him this thing he will kill me.

Shahrukh: We have to do something. We cant just forget it or hide it but it's also difficult to tell our families. I think it's the best if we take a bit distance and think about it. We will do our shot's but we won't bother each other apart from the shooting. We still have on week here. So I think there enough time to think.

Kajol: I don't know.. I think you're right.

We smiled at each other and I pulled her into my arms and gave her a tight hug. She kissed my cheek and that's when we realised that were still nude.

Kajol's cheeks got red. She tried to hide it but she noticed that I already realised. She just smiled shyly and we both looked into eachothers eyes. Then we broke out in laughing.

After that we cleaned ourselves up and waited for the car. After a few minutes our care came and we drove back to our hotel. We were a bit nervous. We gave eachother one last hug. I went to my room and started thinking about a sollucion. The first that came into my mind was calling Karan. But he's really close to Gauri aswell and that means he will tell her. Then I dozed of and fell into a deep sleep.

Kajol's pov.

I went to my room and took a warm shower. In the shower I started thinking about the issue. I thought of calling Karan but that would be too risky. So I just thought of leaving it and give my mind some break.

Suddenly I heard my cellphone ringing and jumped in some comfortable clothes and ran is to my room. I took my phone and saw Ajay's name on the telephone. My heart raced and I was scared to answer the call. But I convinced myself and answered the call.

Kajol: Hello?

Ajay: Hey. I wanted to talk to you.

Kajol: Umm. Ok

Ajay: I am sorry that I overreacted. And I thought about the kiss. I made a lot of mistakes and you forgave me without even thinking about it. So it would be unfair if I didnt forgive you.

Kajol: Thank you Ajay. And I am really sorry.

Ajay: Hey it's okay. In the end it was just a kiss. So it's ok. But that doesn't mean it can happen again. Then you wont get away with it so easily.

Kajol: Ok. Thank you.

Ajay: No need to thank me. Thank Shahrukh.

Kajol: Shahrukh?

Ajay: He called me two days after you told me about the kiss and took full responsibility for it. He told me to think about it. And I wanted to actually call you right after he called but I had to go on a small trip. And I just came back. Nysa and Yug are at your sisters house.

Kajol: Oh I have to thank Shahrukh. Oh what kind of trip?

Ajay: Had some interviews and press confrences. I wish you could have come with me.

Kajol: Oh okk. Its ok. You can take me the next time.

Ajay: Ok. I got to go. I have to pick up Nysa and Yug.

Kajol: Ok. Give them a tight hug for me.

Ajay: Sure. Bye my love.

Kajol: Bye.

I sighed in relief. Ajay forgave me. I was so happy. But then the fear in me grew. He wouldnt have forgave me so easily if Shahrukh didnt talk. If he finds out about the night I am dead. And it will ruin my kids happiness.
I wanted to go and thank Shahrukh but we descided to give each some space so no. What am I gonna do?

The days passed. The time was getting less. I still didnt find any solution. The only thing that came up in my mind was hinding it from our families but that would be stupid. I am sure I cant just throw away this night. It kind of ment something to me. I never something like that. I realised that I was falling for Shahrukh. That was the least thing that I needed right now. I have slept with my best friend who is married and I am married to. Shahrukh already told me that night that he loves me. Thats when I actually realised that I love him too. I think it's the best thing if we just forget the night although it's hard for both of. We cant seperate children from their parents. Nysa, Aryan and Suhanna are grown up so they might understand. But what about Abram and Yug? They're babys. They need to see how much their parents live eachother. How can they live with parents who dont love eachother. Gauri and Ajay will hate the both of us. I think thats the only solution.

Suddenly somebody knocked at my door. It was Shahrukh. He came with sad eyes into the room. His eyes were teard up. I think he cried. He sighed and started talking.

Shahrukh: I think I have a solution.

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