Chapter 10

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The answer?

Shahrukh: I think I have a solution.

Kajol: I am still thinking about it but come tell your idea.

Shahrukh: I dont know how tell you this. It might be a bit hard.

Kajol: Please tell. You're scaring me.

Shahrukh. Ok. I think its the best if we forget the night.

Kajol: That's what I was thinking too. That's hard but we can do it.

Shahrukh: Oh ok. But I am not done.

Kajol: What?

Shahrukh: I think it's good if we take different paths.

Kajol: What do you mean? I don't understand.

Shahrukh: I think we should end our friendship?

Kajol: Oh Shahrukh stop joking around. This is not the time.

Shahrukh: I am not joking Kajol.

Kajol: Are you serious? You want to end 20 years of friendship? What kind of person are you?

Shahrukh: Kajol. I..

Kajol: No. You just want throw away our friendship? Remember all the experiences we had together. How you even think about it?

Shahrukh: But you know when we see eachother the thoughts about the night will come back and it will ruin our life.

Kajol: So what? It wont ruin our lives. I was even considering leaving Ajay for you. And you? I cant believe it Shahrukh. Please get out.

Shahrukh: No please I am sorry.

Kajol: Go. Please.

Shahrukh: Kajol.

Kajol: Get out.

Shahrukh: I am sorry. Bye. Have a good life.

Kajol's pov

My heart broke. I started to cry and screamed. How could he do this to me? Throwing away our strong bond, our love, our memories together just everything. And I was considering leaving Ajay. How stupid am I? This idiot. I hated him. I just wanted to break everything. 20 years of friendship just ended in a minute. I descide to forget Shahrukh, forget our friendship. Just everthing we had together. This night never happend. Ajay was always right. He was right when he said Shahrukh is not a good guy. From now on I will live for my family just for them. No Shahrukh.

Kajol: I hate you Shahrukh.

Shahrukh's pov

I ran into my room and cried. I just broke my bestfriend's heart. Not anymore. But I knew it was good gor the both if us. She had her family and I had mine. After this matter we cant even talk normally with eachother without feeling really guilty. I knew she hated me right know. My heart was shatterd in millions of pieces. I just did the worst thing in my life. I will never have a like her. Who always stood behind me. Who always made me happy. Who was stupid. Who was so beautiful. Who had such a big heart. I just lost my biggest happienes. But this will be good for her. She will feel sad in the beginning but with the time she will eventualy forget me. I am extreamly sorry Kajol. I love with my whole heart and always will. I am going to miss.

The days passed. It was time to go home. Kajol sat next to me in the flight. She ignored me. I wanted to take her hand but she pulled it away. I felt so bad. This is probably the last time seeing her. After some time she fell asleep. This is probably also the last time I will see her sleep. I just kissed her forehead. She didnt wake up. I whispered in her ear that I am sorry and she woke up. She looked at me with anger and sadness. She hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek which was probably the last time as well. She then slapped my face and said: I hate you. Never show your face to me again or I will kill you. I was happy that she atleast taked to me one last time. I smiled at her and got of the plane. My driver waited for me and we drove back to my house. I cried in the car but I tried to hide it. When I got out of the car my family waited for me at the door. Suhanna ran into my arms and hugged me tightly. Aryan came as well and hugged me. Then I went to the door and Gauri hugged me. I was still guilty but I tried to hide it. Small Abram was standing and streching his arms for me to hug him. I took him in my arms and kissed his cheek. Abram's love made me forget about the night but it kept popping up into my mind.

Kajol's pov

I drove with my car to my house. I was really happy to see my fanily back but also sad that I lost my bestfriend. I got out of the car and no one seemed to welcome me. It made me sad that my family didnt even welcome me. So I took my key out of my bag and opened the door. Evertyhing seemed so quiet. I wondered where my family was. I went to the living room and saw all of them standing there. The room was decorated with ballons and welcome back stuff. I saw my babys smiling at me. As soon as they saw me they jumped into me and hugged me tightly. I was so happy to have my kids back. Ajay tightly hugged me and I hugged back. I was still feeling guilty but I wanted to be with my kids.

Nysa: Mom. How r u?

Kajol: I am fine baby. And how are my little babys?

Yug: We are fine mommy. We just missed you a lot.

Kajol: Aww. Poor yug. But now mommy is back. No scedules for the next few months.

Yug: Yeay. I wont leave you mommy. You have to stay with me.

Kajol: Of cource baby.

Ajay: So Kids. Let's give Mom some rest. She had a long journey.

Yug: No I wont leave mom.

Ajay: Yug!

Yug: Ok mom but after you wake up you must play with me.

Kajol: Yes baby. Now go and play.

Ajay carried my suitcase to our bedroom and I followed. I just fell on my soft bed and it felt so comfortable. Ajay laid down next to me and took me in his arms. I wasnt feeling so comfortable. After how Shahrukh touched me I didnt like the feeling another man touching me. But Ajay is my husband so I have to let him anf there is no Shahrukh anymore.

Ajay: How did the shooting go?

Kajol: Pretty good. We got the most things on first shot.

Ajay: Of cource. It was my beautiful wife after all.

Kajol: Sweet. And again I am sorry.

Ajay: Dont be. Everyone does mistakes including Aamir Khan who is a perfectionist.

Kajol: Ok Thanks.

Ajay: But nothing did happen after that right?

Kajol: Ummh no.

Ajay: Really?

Kajol: Yes.

Ajay: Ok. I trust you.

Kajol: Thank you.

Ajay: I love you.

Kajol: Mmh. Me too.

Oh it was hard. I had to lie to him and couldnt even say that I love him. I am sorry Ajay. Shahrukh I love you. Why the hell did you do this? I hate you. I hope I never see him again. Oh who am I kidding? Ofcource I want to see him. But only god knows if that happens.

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