Introduction to the Book

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Thank you for taking the time to read this, I greatly appreciate it. I'll make this short, so you can continue on (it is pretty important).

A/N: This will undergo intense editing when it finishes, so be warned that the chapters are weird and messed up. Most likely the chapters will be merged together in the end to reduce the length of the book and to help things flow along.

Slow updates, read at your own risk

Things to note:

This is my first book (technically fan fiction) and I am not an author, so there will be typos plot holes and inconsistent updates.

The war with Gaea finished on July 18, 2010 (that's official) and the story continues around 2 years later around April 20, 2012.

Stark will be de-aged to around 35 (this is necessary so I apologise if you desperately want him to be 47)

The Avengers will be formed on April 24, 2012, instead of May 1 (because of reasons that will be revealed later).

Percy is 17 (which kinda is the same as the book cause he's meant to be 18)

Finally, I do not own Percy Jackson or the Marvel characters. They belong to Rick Riordan and Marvel respectively. Any new characters introduced (which is none at the moment) are mine as is the plot.

That's it! Thank you and I hope you enjoy Something to Fight For

Something to Fight For (Percy Jackson and the Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now