Chapter 18 - Demigod First-Aid Kit

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Percy thought he was pretty resilient and tolerant to pain and tiredness. However, the instant they stepped onto the plane (again) he collapsed face first and promptly fell into a dead sleep. Before his fell, Thor managed to catch him and lay him down before Percy smashed his nose into the metal seats. 

For the entire ride back to the helicarrier, Percy slept quietly on the floor, dreaming about the times before Camp Half-Blood. Before all the quests began. It was one of his most peaceful dreams ever since the war had ended, perhaps the tiredness had relaxed his mind. 

When they arrived, Steve, Thor, Tony, and Natasha all stepped off, dragging Loki behind them to take him to his prison. 

"Hey! There's a guy on the floor!" shouted one of the pilots who had come to retrieve the plane. 

Steve facepalmed and ran back, shouting, "Yeah, he's one of us. We forgot about him." 

Moments later, he hurried back, holding a sleeping Percy upright by the arm. The water, still manipulated by Percy, was wrapped around his midsection. Steve was pretty much drenched. 

While the guards took Loki to the prison, Steve went to find Bruce to patch Percy up. He found him in the ship's laboratory, working on something that seemed relatively important. Seeing Percy dangling limply from Steve's arms, Bruce ran over almost instantly with a first-aid kit in his hands. 

"Percy, can you hear me?" he asked quietly. 

"Shut up, let me sleep," Percy replied sullenly, whacking away his arms. 

Bruce gave Steve a confused look, but the other man only shrugged. "Percy, you're bleeding," he pointed out helpfully. 

"Just put some water on it," Percy muttered, rolling over and away from them. 

"I'm sorry, what?" 

"Put. Some. Water. On. It." 

"Are you sure?" 

When the boy didn't reply, Bruce went outside and told one of the guards to grab a jar of water. Returning with the glass, he knelt beside Percy, who was on the floor and poured it on his head. To his surprise, (Steve had already gotten used to Percy's surprises) the water trickled to the floor without wetting Percy, and the cut began to slowly heal itself. 

"Well this is certainly new," Bruce muttered under his breath. 

"I'd be surprised if it wasn't," Percy replied dryly from the floor. 

"Aren't you just a bundle of joy." 

"He didn't get any sleep last night." 

"That explains it." 

The two of them sat around Percy on the floor of the lab, prodding the boy much to his irritation. He was way too tired to care though and still managed to doze off again into a peaceful sleep. 

At that moment, Natasha walked in, giving them a less than impressed look when she saw them sitting on the ground and poking Percy. They slowly got to their feet. Percy was the only one to stay down. 

"You three, get outside. Now," she ordered them before walking out again. 

Bruce and Steve exchanged a confused look before they pulled Percy to his feet and dragged him along with them. Making no attempt to stand on his own feet, he let himself get pulled away. 

Natasha led them to a conference room which overlooked the rows of computers they had seen before. Steve and Bruce plonked Percy down in one of the chairs, watching in amusement when he slumped down and fell asleep again. 

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