Chapter 7 - Living Plans

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"Who uses a sword these days?"

"What superhero uses a mechanical suit?" 

"I invented it, you try that." 

"You're an asshole."

"Yeah? Well, you're an idiot."

"Oh really? Your family tree must be a cactus because everybody on it is a prick." 

"Oh that hurt," Tony said, putting a hand to his heart. 

"Good, though I'm surprised you understood it with your limited intelligence," Percy replied. 

"Well actually, I'm glad you mentioned intelligence because-"

The other three members of the team sat awkwardly in their seats, listening to Tony argue with Percy. Honestly, none of them could tell if it was mock taunting of actual taunting. Fury sat in the front of the car, his face expressionless, but his hand was gripping the armrest tightly, and if Natasha noted to herself not to disturb him for the next few hours then that was her business. 

"This wasn't a good idea," Clint whispered, pointing to the seating plan. Indeed, it was never a good idea to put Percy next to Tony, both were stubborn and headstrong. Natasha watched the scenery zip by, hoping that they would arrive at the HQ before she killed someone out of pure irritation. 

"I would like to see how good you are with that sword," Tony said. 

"Okay, I can't wait to beat you into a little pile of metal junk," Percy shot back. 

Steve sighed and rested his head on the window. "Here they go again." 

When they finally arrived back at the headquarters, everyone (except for Percy and Tony) was feeling tired and worn out. Not from the fight, but from the argument that had gone on for the last hour. 

"Would you two please shut up?" Fury shouted at them, slamming the door behind him. Both Percy and Tony gave him an exasperated look. 

"Fury, you shut up," they both said in unison, and then turned back to their argument. Everyone stared at them in disbelief. Then, in an unspoken agreement, they trudged into the building, trying to ignore the two bickering children in the back of the group. 

The team filed into a large meeting room with a long rectangular table in the middle, and multiple wheeled chairs stationed along the sides. Fury sat down at the head of the table and waited for the rest of them to sit down. 

Tony sat opposite Percy, and they glared at each other the instant they sat down. Steve sat opposite to Bruce, who was already sitting there before they had entered. Natasha and Clint sat opposite each other, farthest away from Fury. 

"Percy, this is Bruce Banner, the other member of the Avengers team. His other 'side' is known as Hulk. Percy having been absent when superheroes and genetically modified humans entered the world, simply nodded silently without understanding anything. 

Fury assumed that he understood, and continued speaking. "For the next week or so, you will be practicing how to fight as a team and protect the city from rising threats," he said. 

Bruce put up his hand. "Uh, I just wanted to point out that I'm a doctor and scientist and would prefer not to fight," he said quietly. Everyone silently looked at him before turning back to Fury. 

"We will have rooms provided at the headquarters," Fury finished. 

"Woah, I'm not staying here," Tony said, waving his hand at the room and outside. "I have a tower that I would prefer to stay in." 

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