Chapter 12 - Come Back

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A soft dim light lit the room, illuminating the desk in the spacious room. Papers rustled, the noise sounding louder in the night air. Annabeth bent over the table, sketching and calculating design measurements for a new statue in Olympus. She wanted to submit this for her assignment in University as well, it seemed like a good idea.

"Annabeth?" Malcolm asked from his place in bed. 

"I'll be a minute, go back to sleep," Annabeth replied quietly in the dark. 

"Are you worried about Percy?" Malcolm whispered. 

Sighing, Annabeth placed her pen down and stretched her cramped arms. "I'm sure he'll be fine, he always is in the end," she replied. 

Deep down, she had a feeling that he would be alright. After all, no matter where they were and what they were doing, both of them always made it out okay. Even in the pits of Tartarus. As she switched off the light and headed off to sleep, she had a feeling that Percy would be fine. 

He had promised after all. 


Nick was trying really hard not to freak out. He had his blank face on, a bored voice on, and even had the relaxed stance on. However, as Percy walked closer swinging that black sword of his, he was starting to crack just very slightly. 

"I'll take care of this guy," Percy said to Loki with a small nod. The 'god' or whatever he was smiled, and walked up to Fury. He kicked the director away and grabbed the suitcase containing the Tesseract. There wasn't much Fury could do to resist. Not with Clint pointing a gun at his head.

"Farewell," Loki said brightly and walked away with Barton on his heels. 

Percy was about a meter away when Fury got a good look at him. It wasn't pretty. His veins glowed a dim blue under his skin, and his vibrant blue eyes were replaced with crystalline blue ones. Cold and devoid of all emotion. 

"This will be quick," he said calmly, raising the sword to behead him or something. Well, Fury wasn't about to let that happen. 

"You stay away from me," he snarled, grabbing a gun from nearby and pointing it at Percy. The teenager tilted his head curiously and laughed. 

"I blocked it before, I can block it again," he said simply, uncapping a pen and swinging the sword around. Fury cursed under his breath. 

His walkie-talkie came to life in his pocket. 

"Sir? Barton is here with an unknown man," Agent Hill's voice came from the other end. 

Fury gave Percy a wary look but took the chance. "Agent Barton has been compromised," he whispered. Instantly, the sound of gunfire exploded through from the other side, and Fury closed the talking device with a wince. 

Percy gave a sigh.

"You can't win," he explained, crouching down so that he was face to face with Nick. "They have me on their side now." 

Fury almost facepalmed. Even when he was being controlled, Percy was still as confident and egotistical as ever. "Are you going to back to that Camp of yours when you kill hundreds of people?" he asked quietly. 

Percy shrugged, eerie bright blue eyes sparkling with mirth. "It's not like I haven't done it before." 

"What do you mean?" Fury asked, suddenly feeling a lot less confident about his situation. 

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