Chapter 29 - Puppets and String

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The adults honestly had no idea what to do. 

What could they do? The room was full of crying teenagers, and even as they stood outside, a bunch of other teens also came rushing into the room. The instant they caught sight of Percy, who was on the ground, they recoiled in horror and looked at each other. 

"What happened?" One of the boys said quietly. 

The girl leaning on the window sill turned around, wiping her tear-streaked face. "Grover doesn't remember anything," she whispered in response. 

Everyone stared. The silence returned again, oppressive and cold. Percy fell silent, staring at the crisp white tiles and eyes blank. A girl with honey blonde hair and storm grey eyes hugged him, curling her arms around his neck and burying her face in his shoulder. 

Percy took a deep, shuddering breath, still shaking. He lifted his eyes - red and still shining with tears - and stiffened. 

"What are you doing here?" he whispered. The rest of the teens glanced over, only just noticing the strangers in the room, whose presence had been deemed insignificant by their senses until now. They shifted slightly, and the Avengers could all tell they were preparing for a fight. 

"Percy, we..." Steve started. His words died on his tongue. What could he say? Hi, we came to give you some extra information but weren't quite fast enough. So, how are you? He was saved from his dilemma when the boy lying in the hospital bed made a small noise of confusion. 

"What's going on?" he asked hoarsely, taking in the sight of the teens crying and the awkward adults standing at the entrance of the room. "Who are you guys?" 

Steve heard someone in the group of teens mutter something in another language that sounded  like a curse. Percy pushed himself to his feet, helping the girl up and hugging her again. He turned to the rest of the teens, giving them a forced smile and a small apology. 

"I'll come back tomorrow," he murmured, "everyone take care." 

"You too," Annabeth whispered. There was an unsaid conversation between them - one of support and love. Percy resolved that any Avengers, SHIELD and HYDRA business would be put on hold for his war-forged family. 

"Bye, Grover," he said before stumbling out of the room. The lights in the hospital seemed too bright as he  made his way through the hallways and outside the hospital. The breeze chilled him, and he called for Blackjack without even noticing that he had pulled out the whistle. 

McFluffy purred on his shoulder, and he glanced at the fluffball. The thing was so innocent despite it being an alien. Reaching up to pat the creature, Percy sighed. He had no idea what to do now, and the guilt began to press down on him slowly from all sides. 

The sound of hooves startled him, and he quickly pulled himself onto the pegasus, resting his face on Blackjack's mane. "Stark tower," he mumbled. He would have to collect his minimal belongings and let the team know he was going to be gone for a while.

"Sure thing, boss," Blackjack said cheerily as he took off. 

"Percy! Wait!" Steve called as he saw the teen leaving. Was that a flying horse? 

The demigod cast a quick look at them, but without saying anything, he looked forward again as the flying horse - pegasus? - took off. Steve groaned, looking back to the rest of his team. "He's going to go back to the Tower," Tony muttered, ushering them to the car as he started the engine. "We can catch up." 


Blackjack landed on a patch of grass near the Tower away from the security cameras and guards. Percy sent him back to Camp with promises of donuts and apples in the very near future. 

He was just about to enter the building through a lesser known entrance off the side when someone placed their hand on his shoulder. Surprised that his senses had somehow missed the person, he spun around, sweeping his leg out and grabbing the hand. 

"Wait!" the person shouted before Percy broke their arm. 

"Nick?" Percy said in disbelief. "What the hell are you doing here?" 

"I'm here to recruit you," the director answered, picking himself off the ground and brushing at his clothes. Percy raised an eyebrow at him. 

"Hello? Avenger? Forced recruiting?" he said. Percy tapped his foot and crossed his arms. Whatever games the director was trying to play, he had no time for it.  

"Become an agent of SHIELD," Nick said, unperturbed, handing Percy a card. 

Percy took it and scoffed when he saw that it was an ID card with his profile. Was the director trying to pull some secret strategy, or was just too trusting? He doubted it was the latter. At the very least, it meant the Avengers hadn't informed him yet of his HYDRA affiliation - which was surprising. 

He handed the card back to Nick and smiled. "Thanks for the offer, but for your sake, I will decline. One more thing, I suggest that you take a very careful look at the people around you, director." 

Tapping his Avengers ID card against a scanner on the door, Percy entered the building. Fury remained motionless outside.  He moved straight to the elevator that was directly left of the side-entrance. Tony had put it there so the Avengers could get to the top of the tower with maximum incognito. 

He saw that Fury was still standing outside the building, close enough that the proximity sensor to the side-entrance was still registering his presence and remaining open. Percy smirked at him. "You're a puppet on a string and you don't even know it. Good luck, director." 

The side-entrance door closed. 

This chapter is a reupload with some changes (cause I got an actual plot now), so if it feels familiar that's because it is. If there are any weird inconsistencies or mistakes please let me know, editing in mass like this is a bit difficult. 

Another thing, R (Frederick) is one of the reader's characters (@cubone). 

I also have no idea how HYDRA works, so everything with the bases and stuff is all made up. Feel free to correct anything, and I will change it (or ignore it if I'm lazy). 

Thanks for reading! 


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