chapter 6

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Sae rons POV

I ran back home with tears in my eyes. Min seok was right. What was i thinking?

As i reached my front door, i slowly entered because i didnt want my omma to see me like this. I tiptoed past the kitchen but a voice called my name from behind.

"Sae ron. Where have you been? I've been waiting for you since after school." My mom nagged at me.

When i turned around to show my now sad face with red puffy eyes, my mom looked shocked.

"Baby, what happened?." She asked.

That one question made me cry my heart out.

"Ommaaaaaaaa ....*sniff* i-i *sniff* ommaaaaaaa " i couldn't say anything, tears were flowing down my cheeks.

I ran upstairs and locked myself in the room and cried myself to sleep.

"Sae ron dear, are you going to school today? Even though o have no idea whatd going on , feel free to tell me baby." My mom said outside the door.

"Yeah..... im fine mom, i think I'll just skip school today. Thank you." My morning voice answered her .

the next day

I woke up for school ,got prepared and ate breakfast.
Before going out, i looked at my watch . "6:30". I headed out anyways. I thought i could hang out at the rooftop.

When i reached school, i headed straight for the rooftop. I opened the door and went to the bench that was placed there.
After a few minutes of lying down i finally stood up to enjoy the morning breeze.

"rough week huh?" said a voice behind me.

"what? What are you talk-" i turned around to see jimin in front of me.

"what are you doing here? Isnt it a bit early to be at school?" i asked him.

"i should be asking you the same thing." jimin smiled.
"touchè" i smiled a bit.

It was awkward at first but it turned out pretty cool. He was open minded and he listened to my problems.

"WHAT?! NO. YOU WERE THERE WHEN I CONFESSED?!" i turned bright red.

Its done. Finally done. I have officially ruined reputation. My soul has left my body and im left with shame.

"i just came up to get some fresh air and by the time i got there you were confessing to jin." he explained.

I just nodded and accepted his explanation

We talked for another hour and then headed back to class.

After my boring classes, it was recess so i headed out to the door but was blocked by someone.

"hey there ..... Ummm whats your name again?" she fluttered her fake eyelases.

"its sae ron, so if you dont mind chaeyeon, im going to eat". I said to her and tried to push my way through the door but her stupid friends wouldnt let me.

"hold on there honey, no need to rush." she giggled.

I swear this girl freaks me out sometimes.

"i just wanna warn you to stay away from jin, he's mine."she said while digging her nails in my arm.

"ouchhh ! Hey stop you're hurting me chaeyeon." i yelled.

"hey! ". I turned around to see jimin and the rest of bts standing behind me.

"im telling you nicely so let sae ron go." i heard jimin say coldly

She immediately let go. Fear was written all over her face but she tried to cover it with her rudeness.
She glared at me before leaving.

"thanks guys. Thank you jimin." i smiled.

"welcomee sae ronnieee " taehyung siad in the cutest way ever.

"pleasure" said rapmon.

We all headed to the cafeteria together and when i walked in everybody was staring at us.
No. Everyone was staring at me.

I pulled jimin's sleeve.
"yahh... Why is everyone looking at me?". I whispered.

"how should i kno-". Jimin stopped in mid sentence and looked at my arm.

It was bleeding.

check out my new taehyung fanfic. Hope u enjoy😘

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