Chapter 39

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"Sae ron? ..... sae ron?" I heard a faint voice calling for me and immediately I recognized who it was.


He pushed open the currently open door slowly and looked around in the dark house . Things broken everywhere and my dead mother still lying down on the floor. Then his eyes averted to a small, broken me in the corner who looks like I had been crying for the past few hours. In which I had.

His eyes widen and instantly dropped the bouquet of white roses that he bought for me and rushed to my side to check I was okay and if I was hurt.

I couldn't think straight anymore. Nothing made sense anymore. Why didn't I appreciate my mother more? Why did I let her feel all the pain? All I could do now is just stare at my very much lifeless mother.

Jimin grabbed both my shoulders and shook them trying to get an answer out of me who seemed just ........... blank.

Just then jimin realized that something else got my attention so he turned around to see what I was looking at and immediately he froze when he saw my mother.

He kneeled down and carried me bridal style out of the house, leaving the bouquet in the house.
Jimin took out his phone and dialed a number which I assumed to be one of the boys.

" come here immediately. I need your help." I heard him say.
After he hung up he ran his hair through his hair as he sighed . He turned to look at me with soft eyes and a sad smile.

" everything's gonna be okay, I'm here for you." He assured me as he hugged me.
I slowly wrapped my arms around his with my head in his chest.

" j-jimin.... w-why did they have to t-take my m-mom? W-why h-her?" I tried to speak but it all came out as stutters and whispers.

" shhh.. shh.. don't think about this now. Right now you need to get some rest." He said as he stroked my hair.

I could only nod.



I woke up in a unfamiliar room. Painted blue and although not so grand it was enough to look pretty comfy and decent.
I sat up and winced in pain as My head hurt like hell.

I held the side of my head as I looked around the room, trying to get a hint of the owner. Suddenly my eyes stopped at a photo on the table next to the bed.

I narrowed my eyes to get a better glance at the person in it. My eyes widened.

Jin? Wait no, jimin?
No, no, jin and jimin.
In the same photo.
With namjoon in the middle.

Jin, jimin and namjoon?

I shook my head. It couldn't be, the last time I saw jin and jimin together, they were fighting like cats and dogs.

Suddenly I heard a voice .
" you're awake?" Jin said as he leaned against the door frame with his arms crossed. I had at LEAST 100 questions to ask him but I didn't think the time was right.

"I guess. Where's jimin?" I asked him.

" um... he went to finish.. something." He replied a little suspiciously.

"Anyways you must be hungry, do you want anything eat? I made some killer lasagna downstairs, do you want some?"
He changed the subject quickly.

" That killer lasagna does sound good and I am a but hungry." I smiled.

"Okay then. Let me just go get some and I'll bring it right up." He showed me a smile I haven't seen in a long time and ran downstairs.

But I still couldn't guess whose house this is. I haven't been to neither of their houses so I was pretty much hopeless but something caught my eye. On the opposite side of the room on a beautifully carved wooden table there was the exact same brushes that I had bought for my brother, but why is it here? I thought I threw them away at the hospital .

I got up from the bed and walked towards the brushes. My fingertips ran across the smooth surface of the brushes , remembering how much my brother liked to draw. He was very passionate about it to, but his dreams are all crushed now. Just like mom's. She must've wanted to do awful lot of things but had to put up with shit that happened.

I didn't notice tears running down my face until I heard a knock in the door. I turned around to see jin with a tray which had some of his killer lasagna and a glass of juice.

" Sae ron the fo-" jin stopped in mid sentence when he notice my face full of tears. He definitely looked worried as he put the tray down on a small table near the bed and walked over to me.

He pulled me into a hug and stroked my hair as he listened to me cry my heart out not caring if I soaked his shirt in my tears. He just stood there silently while my sobs filled the air.

This was the jin that I hoped for.
The jin that helped me with the bullies
The jin that is kind hearted
And the jin that is caring.


"Thank you" I said softly as I removed myself from he hug and gave him a sad smile. I took a glance at his shirt which was wet because of me and chuckled a bit.

" ouh my gosh sorry about your shirt. I didn't me-" I was cut off when I heard a whole lot of things breaking downstairs.

I guess I wasn't the only one triggered.
Jin immediately looked at me.

" stay here, let me go check it out. If Im not up in the next 5 minutes lock the door and call for help. Do you understand?" He said as he handed me a phone.

I shakily took the phone and nodded.

Hey guys!
Sorry I couldn't update more recently, My internet has a problem😭
So at the least I'll update about 2-3 chapters a week.
Anyways, go check out my new fanfic [jk ff] and dont forget to vote and comment!💞💞💞

Go check out my other friends
Fyi they write malay ff's

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