Chapter 44

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With my eyes widened in fear as I stood face to face with the man I least expected to be involved in this.

" c-chan s-sung o-op--" I choked on my words fighting the tears away trying not to let his whole appearance affect me.

"Surprised?" He laughed sinisterly which made me have an urge to punch him right in the guts that moment but probably wasn't the best thing to do especially since we're being separated by a wall of glass.

" b-but how?" It almost came out as a whisper but luckily he heard it well enough to give me the answer.

Suddenly the smirk on his face disappeared and was replaced with a somehow sad and depressed face. He opened his mouth to say something  but something stopped him doing so. Instantly he looked furious, and his use to be bright eyes turned even darker.

" what?! You want to ask why I did all of this?! Why don't you ask him?!" He said angrily and pointed to dad. For a moment there I felt almost confused as why he would do anything bad to my half brother. I guess the confused look on my face let chan sung oppa to understand immediately that I didn't quite understand why he was pointing at dad.

" you still don't understand yet?! Well let me walk you through the whole story, the REAL story." He said .

My heart stopped. Wait there's more to this story ?

" you see, your stupid little dad here got my mom killed and not because he was going to send me to my grandmothers house. He left her! That shit head left her and freaking killed her! " I could see angry tears form in his eyes but he blinked them away not letting me see the weak side of him.

I gasped, my mind still not processing the new information I was receiving. He left her that night. My dad left her because it was already too late. He killed her and left  chan sung oppa to live with his grandmother, abandoning him at such a young age.

" and despite abandoning me with a woman I barely knew at my age, he went to some other place to start a whole new life and lied to you saying that he visited me every month when he actually came just to ask my grandmother for some extra money." He added and instantly I knew he had been through a lot.

I looked at him with full of pity. What more could a small boy at that age would've done except hold grudges against his father that abandoned him.
How much I wanted to smash through the glass and hug him telling that everything's gonna be okay but no matter how much my father had hurt my brother and left my mom and me, he still is my dad and I know he has his reasons. He still loves me and also chan sung oppa, I just know it.

" look, I know what it feels like to be abandoned by your own father and you have no idea how miserable I was when I found out that you 'died' . I was happy to know that it wasn't just me and mom left by ourselves, and by that I mean we share the pain and we both know what it feels like to go through all that bullcrap."

We exchanged looks on our faces and soon I was the one looking all sad and depressed while he looked confused.

" Then why do you care so much about him?" He asked me as if he thought I was crazy.

" No matter how many times I've seen my mother because of him, and how he left us to survive on our own , I came to realize that he did it to save me . He did it to save my mom, even though what he thought was right turned out to be wrong because humans make mistakes and I guess our dad eventually did one . A mistake that will never be forgotten and that itself is a punishment." I said.

He looked at me with disbelief. Probably running through his head, why in the world am I siding my father that did terrible mistakes.

Before he could answer, a voice rang through the whole room by a few speakers that were placed in a few places of the room.

" I have given you three days to think sae ron ssi,  so all I need right now is your final decision ." The faceless voice spoke. Immediately I recognized the voice. Mr kim.

" and if you still haven't made your mind up just yet, I brought a little entertainment for you." I swear I could see him smirking behind the microphone.

Suddenly a man dressed in black  including a very familiar black cap entered the room with nothing but plank of wood with him. I narrowed my  eyes to try and see who he was but he was standing in the dark making it harder to see him.

" ouh and I've brought you a little something extra." The voice chuckled . I turned my head to see what he was talking about but I didn't see anything. Well not until the man holding the wooden plank took his cap off .

"J-jimin?" My voice came out as a whisper. I walked to the glass and put both my hands on the glass tapping it.

"J-jimin? What a-are you d-d-doing here?"
My mind full of positive and negative possibilities.  just by looking at his face a feeling of anger , sadness and happiness rushed through me. Happy because I finally get to see him after a while which made me a little teensy bit safer, anger because how dare he leave me get kidnapped and just showing up out of nowhere and lastly sad because I have a feeling that what ever he's gonna do is going to leave me in a pool of tears and heart break.

Jimin turned to look at me sadly .
"I'm sorry sae ron. Everything I did was a mistake and I dragged you into this . You were perfect but I destroyed you, you were happy but now all you feel is sadness . The only mistake you made ..... was me." He said almost choking on his words. Without saying anything else he turned around and did something that made me scream.


Hallooo everybody!
Sorry I haven't been able to update this book lately. It's because well first because my internet suddenly decides to just shut down on me  and then I had to go my cousins wedding which was like 8 hours away for like 5 days.😭😭
There was no freaking line there!
I hope you understand 😘

Anyways thank you for reading and dont forget to vote and comment!💞❤️❤️

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